Dotfiles and a bash script for easier setup of my personal linux environment
- WM: Hyprland
- Bar: Waybar
- Terminal: kitty
- Notification Center: Dunst
- Application Launcher: rofi
- Theme: BlackAndWhite
- Icons: gruvbox-plus-icon-pack
- Fonts: Nerd Fonts
- Music Streaming Service: Spotify with Spicetify
- File manager: Nemo
- Video player: mpv
- Text Editor: Sublime Text 4 and Neovim
- Messengers: Telegram and Discord
Run this command:
bash <(curl -fsSL
SUPER = Windows key
- Main binds:
SUPER+Enter - Open Terminal
SUPER+Q - Close active program
SUPER+R - Open Application Launcher menu
SUPER+Shift+L - Open powermenu
SUPER+Shift+R - Open run menu
SUPER+A - Open Clipboard
SUPER+SHIFT+A - Clear Clipboard
SUPER+F - Open Browser
SUPER+T - Open file manager
SUPER+V - Make floating mode to active program (Like window)
SUPER+M - Fullscreen mode to active window
SUPER+Tab - Change workspace (1st to 2nd, 2nd to 3rd, etc.) with active program
SUPER+Shift+Tab - Change workspace (3rd to 2nd, 2nd to 1st, etc.) with active program
- Screenshot binds:
PrtSc - Screenshot whole screen
SUPER+PrtSc - Screenshot a window
Ctrl+PrtSc - Screenshot a region
- All shortcuts and bind you can change in
- All wallpapers located in
- If you haven't wallpaper applied, you need run these commands:
hyprctl monitors all
Then you see your monitor, for example (DP-0, HDMI-A-0, etc.):Monitor [your monitor] (ID 0): [email protected] at 0x0
After that change config file~/.config/hypr/hyprpaper
wallpaper = [your monitor],/path/to/image.png