This is a light-weight and quick application that can be used to manage inventory in a small firm. THis is depployed as a web application into Apache Tomcat Web Server. You can deply the .WAR file directly into the Tomcat and readily use the web application.
There are 'Materials' delivered into a Firm and it assembles them into finished 'Products'. The tool provides a way to :
The user can update the materials into the persistent inventory as they are received. The finished products can be entered into the application when the finished products are despatched out. The Inventory Mgmt system will keep a count of of the current invetory during this process. That way the firm can take an audit of the inventory and verify the stocks physically against the inventory reported by the tool.
You will be able to generate a report showing the stocks of the current materials.
There is option to do a basic estamation e.g. I have an order to produce 'n' units of a Product, do I have the necessary stock of the materials to fulfill the order.
Read the user guide for more details.