At Clever, we are turning data into personalized and localized content so our readers can make well-informed decisions about any step of their real estate journey.
Please fork this repository and let us know when you've completed the project with a link to your fork.
Using the data set decribed below, and the Airflow-based data pipeline docker configuration, perform basic analysis for the chosen in company_profiles_google_maps.csv
. There are basic errors on the DAG that you will need to fix for the pipeline to work properly.
To perform this project you will need to:
- Perform transforms on the raw data and load them into a PostgreSQL database
- Be able to join datasets together in way for an analyst to be able to rank by a certain set of criteria (you can determine this criteria)
- Be able to filter the data by city or state so analysis can be performed by locality
- Given a locality, create a ranked list according to the criteria you’ve chosen
- Interesting additional analysis based on the underlying data
- An example could be Review Sentiment, common themes among ratings, complaints, etc.
Moving company data set (files can be found at 'dags/scripts/data_examples' folder)
- fmcsa_companies.csv
- fmcsa_company_snapshot.csv
- fmcsa_complaints.csv
- fmcsa_safer_data.csv
- company_profiles_google_maps.csv
- customer_reviews_google.csv
To get started with Airflow check the getting started documentation.