A mock server for KBase services.
Implemented in Deno, this project implements an http server which can provide mock endpoints for KBase services using the JSON-RPC 1.1, JSON-RPC 2.0, or REST-like protocols.
It covers several use cases:
- development: direct mimicking of existing or upcoming kbase core services, to allow ui development against a local version of the service.
- same for dynamic services
- a mini service wizard which can proxy requests to the upstream dynamic service or return a url for a mocked dyanmic service
- testing mocks for each type of service:
- JSON-RPC 1.1
- JSON-RPC 2.0
- REST-like
[ TO DO ]
deno run --unstable --allow-net --allow-read --watch src/index.ts --port 4444 --data-dir `pwd`/datasets/examples/SampleService
deno run
is the Deno command to run an application
indicates we are using experimental features (Deno is young!)
indicates Deno should be able to use network connections
indicates Deno should be able to read files
--import-map import_map.json
indicates Deno should use the import_map.json file
indicates Deno should watch all source files for changes, and restart the server if so
is our server source file
all options after this are directed to src/index.ts
--port 4444
tells the mock server to listen on port 4444
--data-dir `pwd`/datasets/examples/SampleService
tells the mock server to use the provided directory as the source
of data for all mock services
docker build --tag mocker .
docker run -v "$(pwd)/datasets/SampleService:/data" -p 3333:3333 --net kbase-dev --name mocker --rm mocker
export DATASET_PATH=`pwd`/datasets/examples/SampleService
docker compose up
DATASET_PATH=`pwd`/datasets/examples/SampleService docker compose up
[ TO DO ]
- running container should be exit-able with Ctrl-C
- add docker compose examples