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TermIt Docker

TermIt Docker serves to spin off a TermIt deployment, consisting of:


  • Docker 19.03.0 or later & Docker Compose installed (and accessible under the current user).

Resource Requirements

  • TermIt: at least 512MB RAM (1GB and more is optimal), at least 2 CPUs
    • In case more users create and edit terms in TermIt, more CPUs is recommended
  • TermIt UI: 100MB RAM
  • GraphDB: at least 2GB RAM (depending on the amount of data stored), 1 CPU
  • Annotace: at least 512MB RAM

Ideally, the whole deployment should have at least 4GB RAM available, with at least 2-3 CPU cores.

Running TermIt

  1. Set email server configuration in .env. In particular, set MAIL_HOST, MAIL_USERNAME and MAIL_PASSWORD, ( optionally) MAIL_PORT.
  2. (Optional) Set ROOT variable in .env to reflect the local context prefix the app will be running on.
  3. (Optional) Set HOST_PORT variable in .env to reflect the port on which TermIt should be accessible.
  4. (Optional) Set URL variable in .env to reflect the address TermIt will be running on. If the system is running behind a server proxy (like Apache), the URL should be the public URL provided by the server proxy (for example, Otherwise, the URL should contain the HOST_PORT specified above (for example, http://localhost:1234). If the public URL is not based on standards HTTP(S) ports (80, 443), set also the PUBLIC_PORT so that the backend is able to correctly generate server URL for the API docs using Swagger UI.
  5. (Optional, recommended) Set JWT_SECRET_KEY variable in .env. It should be a string of at least 32 characters that will be used to hash the JWT authentication token for logged-in users.
  6. Start all the services by running docker-compose up -d
  7. (Optional) If you have a license for GraphDB, go to ${URL}/${ROOT}/sluzby/db-server/license/register and upload the license file.
  8. Go to ${URL}/${ROOT}/sluzby/db-server/import#server, select the "termit" repository, and in the "Server files" section, click the "Import" button for all the files. In the "Import settings" dialog, set the Base IRI to
  9. Go to ${URL}/${ROOT}/sluzby/db-server/sparql and execute all the queries in the db-server/lucene directory to create Lucene connectors for full-text search (see below w.r.t. the connector language settings).
  10. Look for admin credentials in the termit-server log (on Linux/WSL, you can use grep: docker-compose logs | grep "Admin credentials") and use them for first login at the configured URL, e.g. http://localhost:1234/termit.


TermIt is highly configurable both in terms of the content and the way it runs. This section provides details on the most important configuration options.


The default configuration assumes TermIt is run for Czech vocabularies. To use TermIt in other environments, the following changes are needed:


TermIt backend stores and loads strings based on the configured language. To change it, set the TERMIT_PERSISTENCE_LANGUAGE value in docker-compose.yml to the appropriate language tag (e.g., en, de).

Full Text Search

Full text search (FTS) is implemented via Lucene connectors in the underlying GraphDB repository. These connectors are language-specific, so to use a different language for TermIt and FTS working correctly, the Lucene connectors need to be configured accordingly. To use a different language that Czech, set the following in the connector-creating SPARQL queries in db-server/lucene:

Further TermIt Configuration

As stated above, TermIt is highly configurable. The following table lists the names of environment variables that can be passed to TermIt backend either directly in docker-compose.yml, in an env_file, or via command line.

Variable Explanation
TERMIT_ADMIN_CREDENTIALSFILE* Name of the file in which admin credentials are saved when its account is generated.
value must be present
TERMIT_ADMIN_CREDENTIALSLOCATION* Specifies the folder in which admin credentials are saved when its account is generated.
value must be present
TERMIT_CHANGETRACKING_CONTEXT_EXTENSION* Extension appended to asset identifier (presumably a vocabulary ID) to denote its change tracking context
value must be present
TERMIT_COMMENTS_CONTEXT* IRI of the repository context used to store comments (discussion to assets).
value must be present
TERMIT_CORS_ALLOWEDORIGINS* A comma-separated list of allowed origins for CORS.
Default value: http://localhost:3000
value must be present
TERMIT_TEMPLATE_EXCELIMPORT Template file for Excel import.

The purpose of configuring this file is mainly to have the value lists for term types and states in the
template aligned with the corresponding languages used by TermIt.

Empty value means the built-in template file should be used.

TERMIT_FILE_STORAGE* Specifies root directory in which document files are stored.
value must be present
TERMIT_GLOSSARY_FRAGMENT* IRI path to append to vocabulary IRI to get glossary identifier.
value must be present
TERMIT_NAMESPACE_FILE_SEPARATOR* Separator of File namespace from the parent Document identifier.

Since File identifier is given by the identifier of the Document it belongs to and its own normalized label,
this separator is used to (optionally) configure the File identifier namespace.

For example, if we have a Document with IRI
and a File with normalized label main-file, the resulting IRI will be <br>, where
'SEPARATOR' is the value of this configuration parameter.
value must be present

TERMIT_NAMESPACE_RESOURCE* Namespace for resource identifiers.
value must be present
TERMIT_NAMESPACE_SNAPSHOT_SEPARATOR* Separator of snapshot timestamp and original asset identifier.

For example, if we have a Vocabulary with IRI
and the snapshot separator is configured to version, a snapshot IRI will look something like
value must be present

TERMIT_NAMESPACE_TERM_SEPARATOR* Separator of Term namespace from the parent Vocabulary identifier.

Since Term identifier is given by the identifier of the Vocabulary it belongs to and its own normalized
label, this separator is used to (optionally) configure the Term identifier namespace.

For example, if we have a Vocabulary with IRI
and a Term with normalized label inhabited-area, the resulting IRI will be <br>, where 'SEPARATOR'
is the value of this configuration parameter.
value must be present

TERMIT_NAMESPACE_USER* Namespace for user identifiers.
value must be present
TERMIT_NAMESPACE_VOCABULARY* Namespace for vocabulary identifiers.
value must be present
TERMIT_PERSISTENCE_DRIVER* OntoDriver class for the repository.
value must be present
TERMIT_PERSISTENCE_LANGUAGE* Language used to store strings in the repository (persistence unit language).
value must be present
TERMIT_PUBLICVIEW_WHITELISTPROPERTIES* Unmapped properties allowed to appear in the public term access API.
value must be present
TERMIT_REPOSITORY_URL* URL of the main application repository.
value must be present
TERMIT_TEXTANALYSIS_TERMOCCURRENCEMINSCORE* Score threshold for a term occurrence for it to be saved into the repository.
Default value: 0.49
value must be present
TERMIT_WORKSPACE_ALLVOCABULARIESEDITABLE* Whether all vocabularies in the repository are editable.

Allows running TermIt in two modes - one is that all vocabularies represent the current version and can be
edited. The other mode is that working copies of vocabularies are created and the user only selects a subset
of these working copies to edit (the so-called workspace), while all other vocabularies are read-only for
Default value: true
value must be present

TERMIT_MAIL_SENDER Human-readable name to use as email sender.
SPRING_MAIL_HOST Email server hostname.
SPRING_MAIL_PORT Email server port.
SPRING_MAIL_USERNAME Email server username.
SPRING_MAIL_PASSWORD Email server password.
SPRING_SERVLET_MULTIPART_MAXFILESIZE Maximum size of a single uploaded file
TERMIT_ACL_DEFAULTEDITORACCESSLEVEL Default access level for users in the editor role.
Default value: READ
TERMIT_ACL_DEFAULTREADERACCESSLEVEL Default access level for users in the reader role.
Default value: READ
TERMIT_CORS_ALLOWEDORIGINPATTERNS A comma-separated list of allowed origin patterns for CORS.

This allows a more dynamic configuration of allowed origins that \#allowedOrigins which contains exact
origin URLs. It is useful, for example, for Netlify preview builds of the frontend which use a generated
subdomain URL.

TERMIT_JWT_SECRETKEY Secret key used when hashing a JWT.
TERMIT_LANGUAGE_STATES_SOURCE Path to a file containing definition of the language of states terms can be in. The file must be in
Turtle format. The term definitions must use SKOS terminology for attributes (prefLabel, scopeNote and
TERMIT_LANGUAGE_TYPES_SOURCE Path to a file containing definition of the language of types terms can be classified with.

The file must be in Turtle format. The term definitions must use SKOS terminology for attributes (prefLabel,
scopeNote and broader/narrower).

TERMIT_MAIL_SENDER Human-readable name to use as email sender.
TERMIT_REPOSITORY_PASSWORD Password for connecting to the application repository.
TERMIT_REPOSITORY_PUBLICURL Public URL of the main application repository.

Can be used to provide read-only no authorization access to the underlying data.

TERMIT_REPOSITORY_USERNAME Username for connecting to the application repository.
TERMIT_SCHEDULE_CRON_NOTIFICATION_COMMENTS CRON expression configuring when to send notifications of changes in comments to admins and
vocabulary authors. Defaults to '-' which disables this functionality.
Default value: -
TERMIT_SECURITY_PROVIDER Determines whether the internal security mechanism or an external OIDC service will be used for

In case na OIDC service is selected, it should be configured using standard Spring Boot OAuth2 properties.
Default value: INTERNAL

TERMIT_SECURITY_ROLECLAIM Claim in the authentication token provided by the OIDC service containing roles mapped to TermIt user roles.

Supports nested objects via dot notation.
Default value: realm_access.roles

TERMIT_TEXTANALYSIS_URL URL of the text analysis service.
TERMIT_URL TermIt frontend URL.

It is used, for example, for links in emails sent to users.
Default value: http://localhost:3000/#

* Required

The parameters are based on the Configuration class in TermIt backend. If you need to further adjust the behavior of TermIt, consult this class.

Host Proxy Configuration

TermIt uses Web sockets for asynchronous communication between the server and the clients. If the host system runs a web proxy (most do), this needs to be configured in the proxy.


For the Apache HTTP server (default on Debian and other Linux systems) this can be done by enabling the mod_proxy_wstunnel module and using the following rewrite rule:

# Proxy WebSocket connections to termit at port 1234
  RewriteCond %{HTTP:Upgrade} websocket [NC]
  RewriteCond %{HTTP:Connection} upgrade [NC]
  RewriteRule ^/termit?(.*) "ws://localhost:1234/termit/sluzby/server$1" [P,L]


For nginx, this can be done by adding the following snippet, which initializes the connection_upgrade variable, to the http section of the nginx.conf file:

map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {
   default upgrade;
   ''      close;

And then adding the Upgrade and Connection headers to the request:

location /termit {
   proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
   proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;
   # Other proxy headers and proxy_pass


Dockerization of TermIt - a SKOS terminology manager







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