❄️ Niks is unified configuration of devices owned by @keinsell
to avoid pain in managing and syncing dotfiles and security configurations. Including NixOS, Linux and MacOS.
For the convinient setup of new machines repository contains installation script install
at the root of this repository
Even through repository is using (experimental) Flakes you should remember that flakes aren't real and cannot hurt you. Instllation process is explained from scratch as this repository is meant to configure operating system from scratch.
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/keinsell/niks/refs/heads/main/install | sh
Install Nix with Determinate Systems's installer.
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf -L https://install.determinate.systems/nix | sh -s -- install --no-confirm --extra-conf "trusted-users = $(whoami)"
In order to activate a system configuration for the current host ($HOSTNAME), run:
nix run .#activate
If you are on a non-NixOS Linux (or on macOS but you do not use nix-darwin), you will have a home-manager configuration. Suppose, you have it stored in legacyPackages.homeConfigurations."myuser" (where myuser matches $USER), you can activate that by running:
nix run .#activate $USER@
Configuration uses Git Credential Manager (GCM) for Linux credentials handling along with secretservice
for storing credentials in the system keyring, for macOS it uses native keychain.