- To have a quick game of guessing-the-word with up to 4 players.
- To build a web application without a page refresh.
- Getting the layout of the game right to render all assets correctly.
- Coding the flow of the game correctly as many elements (timers, button presses, word guesses) can happen quickly.
ERD: https://github.com/kennethongcs/word-bomb/blob/master/Word%20Bomb.pdf
Screenshots of the game:
- Login page: https://github.com/kennethongcs/word-bomb/blob/master/game-screenshots/login-screen.jpg
- Game start page: https://github.com/kennethongcs/word-bomb/blob/master/game-screenshots/starting-page.jpg
- Settings pane: https://github.com/kennethongcs/word-bomb/blob/master/game-screenshots/settings-pane.jpg
- Game playing: https://github.com/kennethongcs/word-bomb/blob/master/game-screenshots/game-page.jpg
Technologies used:
- Javascript
- Express JS
Instructions to set-up:
- npm i
- start postgresql
- npx sequelize db:create
- npx sequelize db:migrate
- npx sequelize db:seed:all
- node index.mjs
- navigate to http://localhost:3004
- Log in using (user: [email protected]), (pass: hello1234) to play the game!