v1.0: Major release that breaks backward compatibility in favor of simplicity and efficiency
What's Changed
- Calibrated MIRI spectra by @kevin218 in #585
- Accounting for light travel time in starry model by @taylorbell57 in #587
- Logging Eureka! version and CRDS pmap by @taylorbell57 in #581
- Default to only compute median frame for 1st batch by @taylorbell57 in #582
- Addresses Errors in Stage 5 using LD coefficients from a file by @kevin218 in #589
- Fixing S3 Pickling Bug, S6 Plotting Bug, and Adding S5 LTT Option by @taylorbell57 in #604
- Assorted HST and JWST enhancements by @kevin218 in #600
- Upgrade binData() --> binData_time() by @hdiamondlowe in #584
- Resolved libGL ImportError by removing opencv-python dependency by @taylorbell57 in #612
- Computing uncertainty on Allan variance plots using mc3 package by @taylorbell57 in #615
- Switching plots from tight_layout to constrained_layout by @taylorbell57 in #613
- Stage 1 Jump Step Parallelization by @taylorbell57 in #611
- Switching from celerite to celerite2 by @taylorbell57 in #614
- Updating instructions for newer exotic-ld versions by @taylorbell57 in #616
- Fix emcee old_chain for white-light curve fit bug by @evamariaa in #622
- Removing 390Hz noise from LRS SLITLESSPRISM data by @taylorbell57 in #556
- Ms no longer used in starry models; batman
parameter no long must be between (0,360); minor tweaks by @taylorbell57 in #625 - Rearranging bright2flux ancillary file look-ups by @taylorbell57 in #623
- Update background subtraction method options to address waterfall effect in lightcurves by @BriDave in #599
- Adding a PyMC3 compatible GP using celerite2 by @taylorbell57 in #624
- Allowing for custom stellar intensity files to be fed into S4 for limb darkening calculations by @erinmmay in #598
- deepcopy instead of assignment to fix median frame curvature bug by @erinmmay in #629
- Correcting typo in Stage 4 flowchart by @taylorbell57 in #630
- Fixing new POET bugs, and old bugs with multwhite fits, masked values in fits, nbin_plot in S5, and S6 model loading by @taylorbell57 in #631
- POET transit and eclipse models, SPAM LD by @kevin218 in #609
- Moving meta.scandir to data.scandir for WFC3 data by @taylorbell57 in #618
- Updating environment.yml files for Apple M2 computers by @taylorbell57 in #637
- Create exception for MC3 failed import by @kevin218 in #641
- Update copyright.rst by @kevin218 in #642
- Upgrading to
, and bug fixes by @taylorbell57 in #640 - Adding Hexagonal photometry apertures by @jbrande in #644
- Fixing issue where GP model with masked data failed by @taylorbell57 in #646
- Fix check on time_avg by @kevin218 in #648
- Bug Patch: S6 with similar variable names and S3 undefined aperture_shape by @taylorbell57 in #652
- Removing trailing spaces/tabs from all files by @taylorbell57 in #657
- Flags fully saturated pixel columns as DO_NOT_USE by @gianninapr in #651
- Adding the ability to skip fully-masked data in Stage 5-6 by @taylorbell57 in #656
- Alternate Stage 3 Inputs by @AarynnCarter in #603
- Fixing our readthedocs pages by @taylorbell57 in #671
- Allow setting of matplotlib backend and layout engine by @taylorbell57 in #665
- Adding _ch to channel tag and _pl to planet tag in S5 variable names by @taylorbell57 in #659
- Adding stage-specific MetaClass objects and organizing default ECF values by @taylorbell57 in #632
- Adding an astrophysical model to combine all physical models, adding quasi-Lambertian phase curve by @taylorbell57 in #663
- Bug patches by @taylorbell57 in #677
- Bug fixes by @kevin218 in #678
- NIRCam enhancements from v1 testing by @kevin218 in #682
- Bugfix in HSTRampModel, corrected nchan assignment by @jbrande in #684
- Minor documentation edits to reflect pre-1.0 testing by @jbrande in #681
- Enables custom bad pixel masks (S1), user supplied wavelength files (S4), adds joint white light curve fitting parameters to docs (S5) by @erinmmay in #654
- Two Enhancements from Testing v1.0 by @kevin218 in #693
- Bug patches and docs improvements for v1.0 by @taylorbell57 in #686
- Handling missing scan segments in HST data by @taylorbell57 in #689
- Compute nightside flux with POET by @kevin218 in #698
- Adding a dark mode to the readthedocs page by @taylorbell57 in #700
- Changing Stage 3 masking convention to mask=True where there is bad data by @taylorbell57 in #697
- Enable modeling of starspots with both Fleck and Starry by @erinmmay in #627
- Better documenting multi-channel and multi-planet EPF settings by @taylorbell57 in #701
- Minor bug patches before v1.0 by @taylorbell57 in #705
New Contributors
- @hdiamondlowe made their first contribution in #584
- @BriDave made their first contribution in #599
Full Changelog: v0.10...v1.0