Implementation of the multisig wallet used in the Consensys academy training
Make sure to either change the truffle-config.js
network part with the correct port, or use GANACHE on port 7545
git clone
npm i
truffle compile
truffle migrate --network development --reset
This code can be used to generate a known issue in VS Code Truffle extension. Here are the steps to reproduce:
truffle compile
truffle migrate --network development
truffle console --network development
> exec scripts/debugExtension.js // doesn't work for now .... have to copy paste each command in the console
- Install VS Code Truffle extension
- Setup "Truffle - Networks" on the left bottom panel by adding a new Ganache network / running on (default) localhost port 7545
- Command + shift + P > Truffle: Debug transaction
- Select first transaction in the list
- It will load the VS Code debugger and set you up on Migrations.sol
- Step out / in / next will result in an error