Releases: keyranova/stickytoolbar
Releases · keyranova/stickytoolbar
Custom Classes / Scrollable Parent Container
sticky_toolbar_container: '.tox-toolbar'
sticky_menubar_container: '.tox-menubar'
sticky_statusbar_container: '.tox-statusbar'
sticky_scrolling_container: '.parent-container' // the editor's scrollable parent if it's not the window
Custom Classes
use 2.2.1 instead. while dealing with a furnace replacement I forgot the build step.
For when your implementation uses different classes:
Classes (and defaults)
sticky_toolbar_container: '.tox-toolbar'
sticky_menubar_container: '.tox-menubar'
sticky_statusbar_container: '.tox-statusbar'
TinyMCE 5
Updated to tinymce 4.7.6
- The newest version has all menubars / toolbars in a wrapper "mce-top-part" making the logic much simpler
Fixes JS errors if wysiwyg container has display: none on load
1.1.1 fixes issues when editor starts in a container with display: none
Adds 'sticky_offset' option
1.1.0 adds 'sticky_offset' option
Removes lodash dependency
1.0.2 removes lodash dependency added by plugin generator
Includes dist folder
1.0.1 adds dist folder to github
Initial Release
1.0.0 adds missing word to README