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Cdbgtricks is a modular tool for updating a compacted de Bruijn Graph.


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Cdbgtricks is a C++11 modular tool, mainly designed to update a compacted de Bruijn graph, when adding new sequences. In addition it indexes the graph, updates the index when adding sequences and so it enables querying sequences on the graph.


A preprint is available on bioRxiv:

  • Hannoush, Khodor, Camille Marchet, and Pierre Peterlongo. "Cdbgtricks: strategies to update a compacted de bruijn graph." bioRxiv (2024): 2024-05.
  • Accepted and presented at the Prague Stringology Conference PSC


Please refer to this repository to access the experiments of the paper.


  • C++11 compiler: GCC >= 4.8.5

  • kmtricks (to find the set of absent k-mers which are in the genome to be added but not in the graph)


  • Installing kmtricks: First Install kmtricks [version v1.2.1]

    conda install -c conda-forge -c tlemane kmtricks
  • Installing ccdbupdater: Currently we have only the source version

    • From sources
    git clone --recursive
    cd Cdbgtricks && mkdir build && cd build
    cmake -S ../ -B .

Binary usage:

Setup the ulimit

First change the number of files that can be oppened

ulimit -n 2000

Running Cdbgtricks


displays the command line interface:

Usage: ./cdbgtricks [COMMAND] [PARAMETERS]

	update 		 update a compacted de Bruijn graph with a new genome
	index 		 index k-mers of a compacted de Bruijn graph
	convert		 convert a graph from GFA/FASTA to binary or binary to fasta
	query 		 Query reads in Fasta/Fastq format (output presence/absence of reads)
	map		 Map reads in Fasta/Fastq format (output uni-MEMs)

[PARAMETERS]: update
	> Obligatory with required arguments:
	--input_graph[-ig]	 the path to the graph in gfa or fasta format
	--input_genome	 the path to the genome used to augment the input graph
	> Optional with required arguments:
	--load_graph_binary[-lgb] load the graph from binary file
	--k_mer_size[-k] the size of the k-mer.
			 It must be the same value used when constructing the input graph [default: 31]
	--minimizer_size[-m] the size of the minimizer (m < k) [default: 11]
	--k_mer_file	 the file of absent k-mers from the graph if already computed
	--smallest_merge[-s]	 the threshold for creating buckets (rho in the paper) [default: 5000]
	--multiplier_super_bucket[-msb]	 size of super-bucket in terms of small bucket (gamma in the paper) [default: 4]
	--load_index[-li] Input the index file of the graph
	--threads[-t] the number of threads to be used during the update [default: 1]
	> Optional with no arguments:
	--update_index[-u] update the index of the graph [default: no update]
	--output_index[-oi] write the index to a binary file [default: no output]
	--output_graph_binary[-ogb] write the graph in binary format [default: output in fasta]

	> Obligatory with required arguments:
	--input_graph[-ig]	 the path to the graph in gfa/fasta/binary format
	> Optional with required arguments:
	--k_mer_size[-k] the size of the k-mer [default: 31]
	--minimizer_size[-m] the size of the minimizer (m < k) [default: 11]
	--smallest_merge[-s]	 the threshold for creating buckets (rho in the paper) [default: 5000]
	--multiplier_super_bucket[-msb]	 size of super-bucket in terms of small bucket (gamma in the paper) [default: 4]
	> Optional with no arguments:
	 -it	 the input is in text format (fasta/GFA)
	 -ib	 the input is in binary format

[PARAMETERS]: convert
	> Obligatory with required arguments:
	--input_graph[-ig]	 the path to the graph in gfa/fasta/binary format
	> Obligatory with no arguments:
	 -it	 the input is in text format (fasta/GFA)
	 -ib	 the input is in binary format (Cdbtricks fromat)
	 -of	 output in fasta format
	 -ob	 output in binary format (Cdbtricks fromat)

[PARAMETERS]: map or query
	> Obligatory with required arguments:
	--input_graph[-ig]	 the path to the pangenome graph in gfa/fasta/binary format
	--query_reads[-qr]	 the path to the to the read query set in fasta format
	> Optional with arguments:
	--ratio[-r]	 the desired ratio of shared k-mers between a read and the graph [default: 1.0]
	--k_mer_size[-k] the size of the k-mer [default: 31]
	--minimizer_size[-m] the size of the minimizer (m < k) [default: 11]
	--smallest_merge[-s]	 the threshold for creating buckets (rho in the paper)
	--multiplier_super_bucket[-msb]	 size of super-bucket in terms of small bucket (gamma in the paper)
	> Optional with no arguments:
	 -it	 the input graph is in text format (fasta/GFA)
	 -ib	 the input graph is in binary format (Cdbgtricks format)
	--load_index[-li] Input the index file of the graph

	--output_file_name[-o]	 the name of the output file
	--help[-h]	 prints this help message
	-v verbose


  1. Indexing a compacted de Bruijn Graph

    ./cdbgtricks index -ig ../test/graph.gfa -k 31 -s 5000 -msb 1 -m 11 -o graph_index -it

    The 31-mers (-k 31) of the compacted de Bruijn graph graph.gfa is indexed using a minimizer size 11 (-m 11). We set here rho to be 5000 (-s 5000). It means that we should have at least 5000 31-mers in a bucket sharing the same 11-mer minimizer to create an MPHF f. We set gamma to be 1 (-msb 1). It means that the size of the super-bucket is 5000. (-it) means that the graph is in text format. The output is written to graph_index_index.bin

  2. Update a compacted de Bruijn graph from a reference genome file with loading the graph index

    ./cdbgtricks update -ig ../test/graph.gfa --input_genome ../test/genome.fa -k 31 -li graph_index_index.bin -o graph_update -u -oi -t 32

    The compacted de Bruijn graph is updated with the absent 31-mers (-k 31) of file genome.fa (--input_genome genome.fa). Here kmtricks is used to find the absent k-mers. The index is loaded (-li) and used to update the graph. The graph is written to file graph_update.fa (-o graph_update). The index is updated (-u) and written to graph_update_index.bin.

  3. Update a compacted de Bruijn graph without loading its index

    ./cdbgtricks update -ig ../test/graph.gfa --input_genome ../test/genome.fa -k 31 -o graph_update -u -oi -t 32

    The compacted de Bruijn graph is updated with the absent 31-mers (-k 31) of file genome.fa (--input_genome genome.fa). Here kmtricks is used to find the absent k-mers. The graph is written to file graph_update.fa (-o graph_update). The index is created (-u) and written to graph_update_index.bin.

  4. Query a set of reads (output presence/absence) ./cdbgtricks query -ig ../test/graph.gfa -qr queries.fa -k 31 -r 1 -li graph_update_index.bin -o results_query This tries to find if the reads are present or absent. A read is present if it shares a ratio of k-mers equal to r -r 1. The output is written to results_query.tsv

  5. Map a set of reads (output uni-MEMs)

./cdbgtricks map -ig ../test/graph.gfa -qr unitigs_fasta.fa -k 31 -r 1 -li graph_update_index.bin -o results_mapping

Instead of outputing if a read is present or absent, it outputs the uni-MEMs of the read. A uni-MEM is a 5-tuple (unitig id, unitig start, unitig end,read start, read end). The output is written to results_mapping.txt


For any question, feedback or problem, please feel free to write an issue on this GitHub repository and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Cdbgtricks is a modular tool for updating a compacted de Bruijn Graph.







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