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Python RestAPI using Quart ASGI framework. It runs on HTTP/2 and will be HTTP/3 when mainstream browsers support it in the near future.

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Python RestAPI using Quart ASGI framework. It runs on HTTP/2 and will be HTTP/3 when mainstream browsers support it in the near future.

Environment setup

  • On a development host, create a virtual environment for development and test. Both must be using the same virtual environment.
  • Virtual environment is optional for CI/CD do because everything runs in a docker container.

Clean up pipenv

  • pipenv --rm
  • pipenv --clear
  • pipenv lock --clear --verbose

Setup new pipenv

$ pipenv install
$ pipenv shell

Database setup:

  • This project uses PostgreSQL database with SQLAlchemy ORM with marshmallow for object SerDes.

Install python modules

$ pipenv install --python=/path/to/python
$ cd src
$ pipenv install --python=/path/to/python
$ cd test
$ pipenv install --python=/path/to/python

Create Database

  • Firstly, create an empty database "library" in PostgreSQL

Database Migration

  • run migrations initialization with db init command:

    $ pipenv run alembic init migrations
    $ pipenv run alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Initial migration"
    $ pipenv run alembic upgrade head
  • There will be 3 tables, "users", "books", and "authors" created in the PostgreSQL database "library" after the upgrade.

Test using PyTest:

  • There are 7 test cases
    • JWT token generation and decoding
    • HomeController
    • FibonacciController
    $ pipenv run pytest -v
    $ python -m pytest

Continuous Integration:

  • Integrated with CircleCI

Start the application:

  • ./

Create User:


Subsequent request header:

Key: api-key
Vaue: jwt_token from the login response

Create Author:

Create Book:

Delete an author:

  • Books table has a foreign key id to and this is defined as required in BookSchema.
  • Therefore, when a DELETE RESTful operation is sent to the application to delete an author which has associated book:
mysql.connector.errors.IntegrityError: 1048 (23000): Column 'author_id' cannot be null

Get Requests:


Python RestAPI using Quart ASGI framework. It runs on HTTP/2 and will be HTTP/3 when mainstream browsers support it in the near future.







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