The player.csv and match.csv file can be downloaded from here:
We want to examine the accuracy of match outcome prediction solely by hero selection. For this purpose we build 6 models as follows:
- Logistic regression based on the sum of hero roles per team.
- Logistic regression based on the sum of hero roles of both teams (dire roles are considered negative).
- ANN based on the sum of hero roles of both teams (dire roles are considered negative).
- Logistic regression based on the selected heros (radiant hero is 1, dire hero is -1, and not picked is 0).
- Convolutional NN based on the selected heros (radiant hero is 1, dire hero is -1, and not picked is 0).
- And KNN clustering the selected heros (radiant hero is 1, dire hero is -1, and not picked is 0).
The results are described in results.pdf file. Using 6 different models, I have achieved almost the same accuracy (about 60%) in predicting the match outcome solely based on the selected hero. This result indicate achieving higher accuracy solely based on hero selection is due to over-fitting and not accurate.
Another approach on a subset of this data shown here: This study used Support Vector Classifier (svm.SVC), Random Forest Classifier, K Neighbors Classifier, and Tensorflow sequental model. The results show maximum accuracy of 61.75%.