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kierse edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 2 revisions

	# sorting error log
	# when sorting a download and a fatal error is encountered,
	# produce an error log containing all logged data.
	# NOTE: defaults to True
	#generate_sorting_log = True


	# tv root directory
	# directory containing all tv shows to watch for
	# NOTE: multiple directories can be specified but must be comma separated 
	tv_root = 

	# umask value used when creating any files or folders.  This option is 
	# used by the sorting script when creating series or season directories
	# NOTE: defaults to 022
	#umask = 022

	# queue download category
	# NOTE: defaults to 'tv'
	#category = tv

	# download priority
	# OPTIONS: normal, high, low, force
	# NOTE: defaults to normal
	#priority = normal

	# ignored file extensions (used when sorting downloads)
	# NOTE: defaults to: nfo,txt,sfv,srt,nzb,idx,log,par,par2,exe,bat,com,tbn,jpg,png,gif,info
	#ignored_extensions = nfo,txt,sfv,srt,srr,nzb,idx,log,par,par2,exe,bat,com,tbn,jpg,png,gif,info,db

	# allow Media Rover to schedule multi-part episodes for download
	# NOTE: defaults to True
	#allow_multipart = True


		# allow Media Rover to manage episodes on disk and manage quality levels
		# according to user defined preferences
		# Note: defaults to False
		#managed = False

		# list of acceptable quality levels that can be be scheduled for download
		# Note: you may specify one or more options (separated by a comma)
		# options:
		#  all - any quality level for a missing episode is acceptable
		#  low - episodes from sources marked as low quality
		#  medium - episodes from sources marked as medium quality
		#  high - episodes from sources marked as high quality
		# Note: defaults to 'all'
		#acceptable = all

		# default desired quality level for all downloaded episodes.  Media Rover
		# will schedule episodes for download that already exist on disk in order
		# to achieve the desired quality setting.
		# options:
		#  low - episodes from sources marked as low quality
		#  medium - episodes from sources marked as medium quality
		#  high - episodes from sources marked as high quality
		# Note: only set if managed is True
		#desired = 

		# instruct Media Rover to guess the quality of episodes that it encounters 
		# when no quality details are known.  If this is false, Media Rover will
		# assume all such files meet the desired quality level of the episode series.
		# Note: defaults to True
		#guess = True

		# ATTENTION: the extension options are only consulted when quality guessing is on (ie. [[quality]] guess = True)
			# list of extensions that should be marked LOW quality
			# ATTENTION: this list is only consulted when quality information for a given episode is unknown!
			# Note: defaults to mp4
			#low = mp4,

			# list of extensions that should be marked MEDIUM quality
			# ATTENTION: this list is only consulted when quality information for a given episode is unknown!
			# Note: defaults to avi
			#medium = avi,

			# list of extensions that should be marked HIGH quality
			# ATTENTION: this list is only consulted when quality information for a given episode is unknown!
			# Note: defaults to mkv
			#high = mkv,

	# series specific filter options
	# usage: in order to specify filters for a given series, define
	# a new subsection with the series name.  Define all filter rules
	# within it.
	# Section layout:
	#  [[ filter ]]
	#     [[[ series_name_1 ]]]
	#        option = blah
	#        option = blah
	#     [[[ series_name_2 ]]]
	#        option = blah
	#        option = blah
	#     ...
	#     ..
	#     [[[ series_name_N ]]]
	#        option = blah
	#        option = blah
	# Declaring a new series filter:
	#  1. name the filter.  This name is used to pair the filter to a specific folder 
	#     on disk so it should match very closely. Create a new subsection within the
	#     [tv][[filter]] section using your filter name.  You begin defining a new sub-
	#     section by wrapping your filter name in 3 sets of square brackets.  For example:
	#     say you were defining a series filter for "The Super Terrific Happy Hour", you
	#     would create a new subsection like so: [[[ The Super Terrific Happy Hour ]]].
	#     NOTE: See below for a complete example
	#  2. set series specific options. These options deterine how Media Rover treats
	#     both folders it finds on disk and source items that match watched series.
	#     Options include:
	#     a) option: skip 
	#        values: True or False
	#        default: False
	#        description: this option tells Media Rover to skip a series entirely. No new 
	#                     nzb's will be scheduled for a series that has a skip flag set to True
	#     b) option: ignore
	#        values: comma separated list (ie. 1,2,3,4)
	#        default: none (empty list)
	#        description: this option tells Media Rover to ignore any new items (for the current series)
	#                     that are from a list of seasons.
	#     c) option: alias
	#        values: comma separated list (ie. 1,2,3,4)
	#        default: none (empty list)
	#        description: this option tells Media Rover to match source items to the current series that
	#                     normally wouldn't be matched. This option is typically used when the series name
	#                     (contained in a source item title) does not match the series folder name on disk.
	#  3. set series specific quality preferences. If [tv][quality][managed] is True, you have the option 
	#     of specifying quality preferences on a per series basis. 
	#     NOTE: all quality options must be placed under a quality subsection (ie. [[[[quality]]]]).  
	#     Options include:
	#     a) option: desired
	#        values: low, medium, or high
	#        default: [tv][quality][desired]
	#        description: this option allows you to tell Media Rover your preferred quality level for
	#                     the current series.
	#     b) option: acceptable
	#        values: comma separated list containing one or more of the following: all, low, medium, high
	#        default: [tv][quality][acceptable]
	#        description: this option tells Media Rover which quality levels you find acceptable for the 
	#                     current series.
	#  Example:
	#     [tv]
	#        [[ filter ]]
	#           [[[ The Super Terrific Happy Hour ]]]
	#             skip = False
	#             ignore = 1,2,3 # don't download anything from season 1, 2, or 3
	#             alias = "The Super Terrific Happy Hour (Us)", "STHH"
	#             [[[[ quality ]]]]
	#               desired = high
	#               acceptable = medium, high
	# ATTENTION: filter names should exactly match series folder on disk in order to
	#            guarantee consistent application of filters
	# NOTE: SOME filters can optionally be stored on the filesystem in the series directory.  See
	# for more details
	# See for examples

		# NOTE: Replacing a template variable with its uppercase equivalent 
		# (ie. $(series)s vs $(SERIES)s) will cause Media Rover to output 
		# uppercase data (where relevant).  For example:
		#  $(season_episode_1)s => s01e03
		#  $(SEASON_EPISODE_1)s => S01E03

		# series naming pattern
		# used when creating series directories
		#  $(series)s  => "Series Name"
		#  $(series.)s => "Series.Name"
		#  $(series_)s => "Series_Name"
		# NOTE: defaults to '$(series)s'
		#series = $(series)s

		# series season naming pattern
		# used when creating season directories
		#  $(season)d          => 1
		#  $(season)02d        => 01
		#  Season $(season)02d => Season 01
		#  Setting the season template to be empty (ie. "season = ") tells Media Rover
		#  not to create a season folder and to put all episodes directly under the series
		#  folder. NOTE: if a season folder already exists on disk, Media Rover will continue to 
		#  sort all newly downloaded episodes into it, however no new season directories will be
		#  constructed.
		# NOTE: defaults to 's$(season)02d'
		#season = s$(season)02d

		# episode title pattern
		# used when renaming downloaded episodes
		#  $(title)s  => 'Hello World!'
		#  $(title.)s => 'Hello.World!'
		#  $(title_)s => 'Hello_World!'
		# NOTE: defaults to '$(title)s'
		#title = $(title)s

		# smart episode title options: (used in conjunction with above title pattern option)
		# NOTE: this variable can be used to generate an intelligent episode title.  If an 
		#       episode title has been found, the pattern will be honoured.  Otherwise, it 
		#       will be replaced with an empty string.
		#  $(smart_title)s = ' - $(title)s' => ' - Hello World!'
		# NOTE: defaults to ' - $(title)s'
		#smart_title = ' - $(title)s'

		# episode quality
		# string representation of an episodes quality
		# NOTE: this parameter can only be used in the single or daily episode templates
		#  $(quality) = 'low', 'medium', or 'high'

		# single episode naming pattern
		# this pattern is the template used when renaming SINGLE episodes. You may use any
		# of the above naming patterns in constructing the file naming pattern 
		#  $(episode)d          => 3
		#  $(episode)02d        => 03
		#  $(season_episode_1)s => s01e03
		#  $(season_episode_2)s => 1x03
		# NOTE: as a bare minimum, the pattern must contain ONE of the above episode numbering 
		#       patterns in order to be valid.  Without this restriction, accurately identifying
		#       episodes on disk would be next to impossible
		# NOTE: defaults to '$(series)s - $(season_episode_1)s$(smart_title)s'
		#single_episode = '$(series)s - $(season_episode_1)s$(smart_title)s'

		# daily episode naming pattern
		# this pattern is the template used when renaming DAILY episodes.  You may use any
		# of the above naming patterns to constructing the file naming pattern
		#  $(daily)s  => 20090112
		#  $(daily.)s => 2009.01.12
		#  $(daily-)s => 2009-01-12
		#  $(daily_)s => 2009_01_12
		# NOTE: as a bare minimum, the pattern must contain ONE of the above daily numbering
		#       patterns in order to be valid.  Without this restriction, accurately identifying
		#       daily episodes on disk would be next to impossible
		# NOTE: defaults to '$(series)s - $(daily-)s$(smart_title)s'
		#daily_episode = '$(series)s - $(daily-)s$(smart_title)s'

# consumable nzb RSS source feeds
# usage: define one or more new subsections under .  Each subsection (identified by a user defined 
# text label) must indicate a provider, a url pointing to a consumable resource, and zero or more 
# optional arguments.
# Section layout:
#  [ source ]
#     [[ user_label_1 ]]
#       option = blah
#       option = blah
#     [[ user_label_2 ]]
#       option = blah
#       option = blah
#     ...
#     ..
#     [[ user_label_N ]]
#       option = blah
#       option = blah
# Declaring a new source:
#  1. name the source. This name has no real significance other than that it is displayed in the logs
#     when Media Rover processes it.  Create a new subsection under [source] and wrap your filter name 
#     in 2 sets of square brackets.  For example: lets say you are defining a new nzbmatrix source 
#     that returns only xvid/divx nzbs and you want to call it "new xvid". You would start by locating 
#     [source] in the config and defining a new subsection beneath it like so: [[ new xvid ]].
#     NOTE: See below for a complete example
#  2. set source specific options/values.  These options tell Media Rover where the source is located 
#     and how to handle it. Options include:
#     a) option: provider
#        value: index provider (see below)
#        required: YES
#        description: this REQUIRED field tells Media Rover which indexing service this source pulls
#                     data from.
#        Media Rover currently supports the following providers:
#          newzbin   (
#          tvnzb     (
#          mytvznb   (any version 2.5 site)
#          nzbs      (
#          nzbmatrix (
#     b) option: url
#        value: web url (supports both http and https resources)
#        required: YES
#        description: this REQUIRED field is the resource location that Media Rover consumes when 
#                     searching for available episodes
#     c) required: quality
#        value: one of low, medium, or high
#        required: YES, IF [tv][quality][managed] is TRUE
#        description: this field indicates what quality Media Rover can expect from this source.
#     d) option: timeout
#        value: number (in seconds)
#        required: no
#        default: 60
#        description: this option tells Media Rover to stop waiting for a response from the source
#                     url once the specified number of seconds has been reached.
#     e) option: schedule_delay
#        value: number (greater than 0)
#        required: no
#        default: 0
#        description: this option tells Media Rover to delay scheduling all items from a given source 
#                     for the specified number of iterations.  For example, say schedule_delay is set 
#                     to 2 and the scheduler is configured to run every 30 minutes. Missing items 
#                     (found in this source) will be stored and reprocessed 60 minutes from the
#                     time they were first identified. This option essentially allows the user to delay
#                     scheduling a download and wait for an equivalent item that's of a more favourable 
#                     quality level.
#  Example:
#     [source]
#        [[ new xvid ]]
#          provider = nzbmatrix
#          url =
#          quality = medium
#          schedule_delay = 2
#        [[ new HD ]]
#           provider = newzbin
#           url =
#           quality = high
#           timeout = 30
# See for examples
# ATTENTION: you must declare at least one source

# binary newsreader queue
# Section layout:
#  [ queue ]
#     [[ sabnzbd ]]
#        option = blah
#        option = blah
# Configuring the SABnzbd queue:
#  1. specify the root url where SABnzbd can be accessed.  If you are running Media Rover on the 
#     same machine that is running SABnzbd, the default value will likely be http://localhost:8080/sabnzbd.
#     This is a REQUIRED field
#  2. set the api_key. This value can be found in the SABnzbd at Configs > General > API Key.  This field is
#     likely required unless you have disabled the API-Key requirement in SABnzbd.
#  3. set optional values.  Options include:
#     a) option: backup_dir
#        description: if configured, Media Rover will check the SABnzbd backup directory before scheduling
#                     an nzb for download.
#     b) option: username
#        description: if you have authentication configured in SABnzbd (Configs > General > SABnzbd Username), 
#                     you will need to specify a username in order for Media Rover to work properly.
#     c) option: password
#        description: if you have authentication configured in SABnzbd (Configs > General > SABnzbd Password), 
#                     you will need to specify a password in order for Media Rover to work properly.
#  Example:
#     [queue]
#        [[sabnzbd]]
#           url = http://localhost:8080/sabnzbd
#           api_key = abc123
#           backup_dir = /path/to/sabnzbd/nzb_backup_dir
#           username = bob
#           password = secret
# NOTE: if backup_dir is not specified, failed downloads may be rescheduled by Media Rover
		root = http://localhost:8080/sabnzbd
		api_key = <key>
		backup_dir = 
		#username = 
		#password = 

	__version__ = 5

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