1.6KB (Min + gzip) light Weight, OnPushed angular component to progressively load Image. Supports:
- Animate Image Blur while switching URLS
- Start loading On Custom Intersection and threshold
- Custom Background Color Before loading
To add the Progressive Loader to your Angular project:
npm install --save kwh-progressive-image-loader
Once installed, add the Progressive Loader to your app.module.ts
import { ProgressiveImageLoaderModule } from 'progressive-image-loader';
imports: [
export class AppModule {}
Now you can use the Progressive loader component in your app components, for example in app.component.ts
import { ProgressiveImageLoaderOptions } from 'progressive-image-loader';
export class AppComponent {
loadingOptions: ProgressiveImageLoaderOptions = {
thumbnailUrl: <thumbnail_url>,
originalUrl: <original_url>,
backgroundColor: <background_color>,
intersectionParent: <parent_to_observe_intersection>,
blurWhileBackground: <blur_while_background_color>,
blurWhileThumbnail: <blur_while_thumbnail_color>,
animationTimeBetweenBackgroundAndThumbnail: <animation_time_bw_bg_and_thumbnail>,
animationTimeBetweenThumbnailAndOriginal: <animation_time_bw_thumbnail_and_final_url>
And in template file app.component.html
Below is the list of properties for loadingOptions
Property | Optional | Default Value | dataType | description |
thumbnailURL | false | - | string | thumbnail URL for the image to be loaded |
originalURL | false | - | string | Original URL for the image to be loaded |
backgroundColor | false | - | string | Background color before loading the thumbnail URL |
animationTimeBetweenBackgroundAndThumbnail | true | 300 (ms) | string | Time for which the blur should animate while applying thumbnail URL |
animationTimeBetweenThumbnailAndOriginal | true | 300 (ms) | string | Time for which the blur should animate while applying final (original) URL |
blurWhileBackground | true | 25 (px) | string | Blur value in pixels while background color is applied |
blurWhileThumbnail | true | 25 (px) | string | Blur value in pixels while thumbnail Image is applied |
intersectionParent | true | - | string | If intersection parent is provided, image will start loading once the image reaches the intersection threshold |
intersectionThreshold | true | 0.25 | string | fraction of image visible in the intersectionParent to trigger loading (between 0-1) |
Event | Description | OutputData |
loadingFailed | When Image Loading Fails | ProgressStep |
In case of failed loading, possible values of ProgressStep
Value | Description |
FINAL_LOADING_FAILED | When Original Image failed to load |
THUMBNAIL_LOADING_FAILED | When Thumbnail Image Failed to load |
Contact me at [email protected]