The Kinde Starter Kit for React Native SDK 0.7x.
To get started set up an account on Kinde.
- NodeJS version 16.x or higher
- Ruby version 2.7.5 or higher
Follow the installation instructions for your chosen OS to install dependencies
- Clone the repository to your machine:
git clone
- Go into the project:
cd kinde-react-native-starter-kit-0-7x
- Install the dependencies:
npm install
# [iOS] Install iOS native dependencies
cd ios
bundle install && bundle exec pod install
You should change Kinde config in the src/components/Header.tsx
new KindeSDK(
Your user will be redirected to Kinde to authenticate. After they have logged in or registered they will be redirected back to your NextJS application.
You need to specify in Kinde which url you would like your user to be redirected to in order to authenticate your app.
On the App Keys page set Allowed callback URLs
to your deep linking
Important! This is required for your users to successfully log in to your app.
You will also need to set the url they will be redirected to upon logout. Set the Allowed logout redirect URLs
to your deep linking.
Open AndroidManifest.xml
and change your scheme:
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
<data android:scheme="your_schema" android:host="" />
Please make sure you have configuration URL scheme in Info.plist
Run below command:
npm start --reset-cache
# iOS
npm run ios
# or for Android
npm run android
For details on integrating this SDK into your project, head over to the Kinde docs and see the React Native SDK 0.6x doc šš¼.
If you got the error 'value' is unavailable: introduced in iOS 12.0
when trying to build the app, you can follow the below steps to fix that:
- In your Xcode project navigator, select Pods.
- Under Targets, select React-Codegen
- Set the window to Build Settings
- Under Deployment, set iOS Deployment Target to 12.4
- Clean project and rebuild: Product > Clean Build Folder, Product > Build
The core team handles publishing.
Please refer to KindeāsĀ contributing guidelines.
By contributing to Kinde, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under its MIT License.