Polyglot is a Safari extension that translates selected text into your native language.
Get the app on Mac App Store
then open Polyglot.app
in Applications
to configure keyboard shortcut and everything.
Open up Polyglot.app
and change the target
language to one you prefer and configure keyboard shortcuts as you wish.
- Select word or sentence and just type the configured key combination.
- or, Select word or sentence and right-click then click Translate.
- or, Select word or sentence and click Translate button on tool bar.
Refresh web pages or restart Safari and try it again. If you continue to face same problem, please open an issue on GitHub.
Some key combinations are preblematic. Try another one.
See Contribution Guide for the detailed development guide.
list of awesome contributors.
- Yasuaki Uechi
- Sergey Sorokin
- Serhii Dmytruk
- Matt Sephton
- nixiesquid