Udacity Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree - Project
Final Project From Udacity JavaScript Design Patterns Course.
My GitHub Project Repository: https://github.com/kishorchouhan/Neighborhood-Map-App-Udacity-Project
My Project Website Is Hosted Here: https://kishorchouhan.github.io/Neighborhood-Map-App-Udacity-Project/
To run the website and take code on local machine:
- Download the GitHub zip file or clone the repository onto your local workstation:
- Open a browser window and navigate to the index.html file in your directory.
- Click on a marker that opens an infowindow that displays the name of the place.
- You can click on an item on the provided list and the appropriate marker will display its infowindow.
- Type in the white bar if you only want to see a few of the places listed on the map to make it easier to spot.
This is the Udacity Neighborhood Map Project! It's intended as a challenge to put together a website from various APIs. This includes making function calls to Google Maps and other location-based services like Foursquare.
Included is a list of famous tourist places in Jaipur of India. 🍲
The app allows you to filter the list down as you type. In return, it displays the locations on the map. Heck, the icons even bounce like you expect them to.
There's also extra info pulled from the Foursquare API where available. This includes website URLs and phone numbers. ☎️
The app is responsive, too! It resizes using CSS Flexbox and media queries.