WikiGameBot is a web application that lets you see a computer play the WikiGame, where the objective is to navigate from a starting Wikipedia topic to a target topic using as few turns as possible, relying solely on hyperlinks available on the current page for navigation.
WikiGameBot utilizes HuggingFace's SentenceTransformer models to generate embeddings of Wikipedia summaries, with which cosine similarity is used to calculate the topic nearest to the target at any given page.
To determine the next page to navigate to, WikiGameBot calculates the cosine similarity between the embedding of the target summary and the embeddings of summaries on the current page. The page with the summary that is most similar to the target summary is chosen for the next move.
To dive deeper into how WikiGameBot was developed and explore the Python code behind it, check out the detailed article:
Feel free to explore the code, contribute, or provide feedback to enhance this project further!
Enjoy the WikiGame adventure!
You can reach out to me via one of the following ways to connect about this project or anything else.
Email: [email protected]