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This repository holds all the components necessary to deploy and run the entire KnowLearning platform.


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First install docker, kind, and skaffold; then you can:

# Run a local docker registry.
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry registry:2

# Set up a local kind cluster and deploy the core application.
sh core/ --setup

After the first run of the above command you may omit the --setup flag. Use it again any time to re-initialize the cluster. Technically the sh core/ script will auto-reload servers on updates, but manually stopping it with ctrl+c and re-running sh core/ is often faster.

If docker/kind/something raises odd issues (we have seen network resolution instabilities at levels outside of this project's scope) just run sh core/deploy again to refresh your local cluster.


Install docker, skaffold, and gcloud.

GKE cluster


Use these commands to load required credentials into your environment:

gcloud auth revoke
gcloud auth login web
gcloud config set project opensourcelearningplatform
gcloud container clusters get-credentials skaffold-deployed --region us-central1

Use these commands to switch kubectl to use the live project's cluster:

kubectl config use-context gke_opensourcelearningplatform_us-central1_skaffold-deployed
kubectl config use-namespace production



# Install the gcloud gke-gcloud-auth-plugin component.
gcloud components install gke-gcloud-auth-plugin

# Load gcloud credentials.
gcloud container clusters get-credentials skaffold-deployed --region us-central1

# Set CORS config for production bucket.
gsutil cors set \
  core/infrastructure/production/CORS_CONFIG_FILE \

Deploy to "staging" or "production"

# Deploy to GKE where $PROFILE=staging or production.
sh core/ $PROFILE

Sequence Diagram

title KnowLearning Core

participant SSO Provider
participant Authentication
participant Agent
participant Message Queue
participant Authorization
participant State Manager
participant Relational Mirror
participant Storage

Authorization->Message Queue:Initialize client connection
Authorization->Message Queue:Subscribe to all DOMAIN/USER/sessions\nstreams and monitor for side effects
Authorization -> Relational Mirror:resolve "DOMAIN/USER/SCOPE" to\nuuid and query DOMAIN access rule
Authorization -> Message Queue:Access Denied or JWT token authorizing\nread/download in "DOMAIN/USER/sessions"
State Manager -> Message Queue:Subscribe to all messages from all subjects with\nguaranteed in-order at least once delivery
State Manager -> Relational Mirror:Update records per\ndomain config
State Manager -> Message Queue:Detect "large" stream, notify "coordinator" that\nthis state manager instance is handling
State Manager -> Message Queue:Insert reference to storage file we will stream to
State Manager -> Message Queue:Pull all messages for the large stream
State Manager -> Storage:Stream grabbed interaction messages\nto reference file
State Manager -> Message Queue:Insert Snapshot that includes reference into stream\nwhen we have rolled up all interaction messages
State Manager -> Storage:On receipt of reference to stream\ntarget file, combine new file with\nold file for same stream
State Manager -> Message Queue:Clear message queue up to the inserted reference
Agent -> Authentication: sign me in
Authentication -> SSO Provider: redirect to SSO provider
SSO Provider -> Authentication: return OAuth code if\nsuccessful authentication
Authentication -> Agent: Encrypted OAuth code + domain
Agent -> Message Queue: Initialize client connection
Agent -> Authorization:Request Message Queue read/write access for\n"DOMAIN/USER/*" subjects (using Encryped code)
Authorization -> Agent:Access Denied or JWT token giving read/write\nauthorization for "DOMAIN/USER/*"
Agent->Message Queue:Add JWT that allows "DOMAIN/USER/*"\nread/write to connection authorization
Agent -> Message Queue: Listen to "DOMAIN/USER/sessions"
Agent -> Message Queue:Ask for token to authorize read other\n"DOMAIN/USER/SCOPE" (through\nmutation & side effect in sessions scope)
Agent -> Message Queue:Add JWT that allows "DOMAIN/USER/SCOPE"\nread access to client connection using token\nfrom "DOMAIN/USER/sessions" scope mutation\nfor subscription
Agent -> Message Queue:Subscribe to "DOMAN/USER/SCOPE" steam\n(Includes all available messages in\nMessage Queue)
Agent -> Message Queue:Request download (via mutation to sessions)
Agent->Message Queue:Request upload (via mutation to sessions)
Agent -> Storage:Download interaction file or other upload
Agent->Storage:Upload file with authorized URL
title Message Publishing Pipeline

participant Application
participant Agent
participant Message Queue

Application -> Agent: State call for named or UUID scope
Agent -> Message Queue:Resolve DOMAIN, USER, and SCOPE to UUID\nor UUID to DOMAIN, USER, and SCOPE
Agent -> Message Queue:If UUID not set for DOMAIN, USER, and SCOPE\ntriplet, set up a stream for UUID with\n"DOMAIN.USER.SCOPE" subject
Agent -> Message Queue: Get num messages existing in UUID's stream
Agent -> Message Queue: Process messages up to num existing from last info request
Agent -> Application: state response with proxy set up to persist changes
Application -> Agent: JSON Patches representing updates to state
Agent -> Message Queue: Publish updates to "DOMAIN.USER.SCOPE" subject

  participant OAuth SSO Provider
  actor DOMAIN application
  participant Browser Agent
  participant NATS Cluster
  participant Authorization

  Authorizer ->> NATS Cluster: subscribe to $SYS.REQ.ACCOUNT.*.CLAIMS.LOOKUP
  DOMAIN application ->> Browser Agent: login(PROVIDER)
  activate Browser Agent
  Browser Agent ->> Browser Agent: save window.location.path<br>to localStorage as ORIGINAL_PATH
  Browser Agent ->> Initiate login by directing browser to<br>[PROVIDER]/[STATE]
  deactivate Browser Agent
  activate ->>+OAuth SSO Provider: Construct OAuth 2.0 request for PROVIDER
  OAuth SSO Provider -->> Send OAuth 2 Code on auth success
  activate ->> create ENCRYPTED_TOKEN using<br>public key from Authorization server -->> Browser Agent: Open Browser agent at https://DOMAIN/auth/STATE/ENCRYPTED_TOKEN
  activate Browser Agent
  Browser Agent ->> Browser Agent: Save ENCRYPTED_TOKEN<br>into localStorage for DOMAIN
  Browser Agent ->> DOMAIN application: Open https://DOMAIN/ORIGINAL_PATH
  deactivate Browser Agent
  activate DOMAIN application
  activate Authorization
  DOMAIN application ->> Browser Agent: load agent script
  activate Browser Agent
  alt "token" in localStorage
    Browser Agent ->> Browser Agent: Remove ENCRYPTED_TOKEN from<br>localStorage
    Browser Agent ->> Authorization: fetch NATS_CREDENTIAL with ENCRYPTED_TOKEN<br>to establish new session
    Authorization ->> Authorization: Decrypt<br>ENCRYPTED_TOKEN<br>with secret key
    Authorization ->> OAuth SSO Provider: Use OAuth SSO Provider token uri to supply code in exchage for token
    OAuth SSO Provider -->> Authorization: JSON Web Token (JWT) response
    Authorization ->> Authorization: Validate JWT and associate<br>user with new Session Cookie
    Authorization ->> NATS Cluster: Associate new NATS_CREDENTIAL with OAUTH user<br>(allows writing and reading DOMAIN.USER.>)
    Authorization -->> Browser Agent: NATS_CREDENTIAL and matching Session Cookie
  else no "token" in localStorage
    Browser Agent ->> Authorization: fetch NATS_CREDENTIAL relying on "session" cookie
    alt existing session cookie
      Authorization -->> Browser Agent: NATS_CREDENTIAL for Session Cookie
    else no existing session cookie
      Authorization -->> Browser Agent: NATS_CREDENTIAL and matching Session Cookie for new anonymous user
  deactivate Authorization
  activate NATS Cluster
  Browser Agent ->> NATS Cluster: Create connection with NATS_CREDENTIAL
  NATS Cluster -->> Authorizer: $SYS.REQ.ACCOUNT.*.CLAIMS.LOOKUP message
  activate Authorizer
  Authorizer ->> NATS Cluster: $SYS.REQ.ACCOUNT.*.CLAIMS.LOOKUP message response
  deactivate Authorizer
  NATS Cluster -->> Browser Agent: Connection Established
  opt watch SCOPE
    DOMAIN application ->> Browser Agent: call watch() or state()
    alt SCOPE owned by other user
      Browser Agent ->> Authorization: request authorization
      alt Authorization successful
        Authorization ->> NATS Cluster: add read permission for NATS_CREDENTIAL<br>by publishing to $SYS.REQ.CLAIMS.UPDATE
        Authorization -->> Browser Agent: Authorized response
      else Authorization unsuccessful
        Authorization -->> Browser Agent: Unauthorized response
    break if authorization failed
      Browser Agent -->> DOMAIN application: throw unauthorized error
    Browser Agent ->> NATS Cluster: Request all messages on stream for scope
    loop message available
        NATS Cluster -->> Browser Agent: next message
        alt seq < STREAM_SIZE
          Browser Agent ->> Browser Agent: store as message history
        else seq = STREAM_SIZE
          Browser Agent -->> DOMAIN application: Compute current state and resolve promise with state and history
        else seq > STREAM_SIZE
          Browser Agent ->> DOMAIN application: Call callback with updated state and patch info
  deactivate Browser Agent
  deactivate DOMAIN application
  deactivate NATS Cluster

participant "SSO Provider" as SSO
participant "KnowLearning Auth Service" as AUTHN
participant "Domain Application" as App
participant "KnowLearning Agent" as Agent
participant "NATS Cluster" as NATS
participant "Authorizer" as AUTHZ
participant "Relational Mirror" as SQLMirror
participant "Postgres DB" as postgres
participant "Google Cloud Storage" as GCS

AUTHZ -> SQLMirror: Subscribe to updates.>
activate App
App -> Agent: Agent.login(PARTICIPANT)
deactivate App
activate Agent
Agent -> Agent: Save window.location.path\nto localStorage under STATE
Agent -> AUTHN: open:[PROVIDER]/[STATE]
deactivate Agent
activate AUTHN
AUTHN -> SSO: Constructu OAuth 2.0 request for PROVIDER
deactivate AUTHN
activate SSO
AUTHN <-- SSO: Send OAuth 2.0 Code on auth success
deactivate SSO
activate AUTHN
AUTHN -> AUTHN: Construct ENCRYPTED_TOKEN using\nAuthorizer's public key
AUTHN -> Agent: open: https://DOMAIN/auth/STATE/ENCRYPTED_TOKEN
deactivate AUTHN
activate Agent
Agent -> Agent: Save ENCRYPTED_TOKEN into localStorage
Agent -> App: open: https://DOMAIN/ORIGINAL_PATH
deactivate Agent
activate App
App -> Agent: Load agent scripts
activate Agent
alt ENCRYPTED_TOKEN in localStorage
  Agent -> Agent: remove ENCRYPTED_TOKEN from localStorage
  Agent -> AUTHZ: associate ENCRYPTED_TOKEN with SESSION cookie
  Agent <-- AUTHZ: set httponly and secure SESSION cookie
  Agent -> NATS: Create client connection with ENCRYPTED_TOKEN
  AUTHZ -> AUTHZ: Decrypt ENCRYPTED_TOKEN\nwith private key
  AUTHZ -> SSO: Use SSO OAuth Provider token uri to get token from code
  SSO --> AUTHZ: Signed JWT
  AUTHZ -> AUTHZ: Validate JWT and associate JWT with SESSION
  AUTHZ --> NATS: Respond with permissioned JWT
else ENCRYPTED_TOKEN not in localStorage
  Agent -> AUTHZ: httponly and secure SESSION cookie in POST request with TOKEN
  AUTHZ -> AUTHZ: associate TOKEN with existing SESSION cookie\nand use the associated JWT (or associate new\nanonymous account JWT)
  Agent -> NATS: Create client connection with TOKEN
  AUTHZ -> AUTHZ: get JWT associated with TOKEN
  AUTHZ --> NATS: Respond with permissioned JWT

opt watch SCOPE
  App -> Agent:, callback, user?, domain?)
  Agent -> AUTHZ: resolve scope info from scope, user?, domain?
  alt SCOPE owned by other user
    AUTHZ -> postgres: query for user access
    postgres --> AUTHZ: access result
    alt user has access
      AUTHZ -> NATS: new JWT for client with additional subscription access
      AUTHZ --> Agent: { id, domain, user, name }
    else user denied Access
      AUTHZ --> Agent: Access Denied
  else SCOPE owned by user
    AUTHZ -> NATS: query for id of existing stream with SCOPE
    NATS --> AUTHZ: existing stream id or none
    opt if no exiting stream
      AUTHZ -> NATS: create stream with new id to match
    AUTHZ --> Agent: { id, domain, user, name }

  alt authorized
    Agent -> NATS: Request all messages on stream for scope
    Agent -> NATS: get info for stream and store current num messages as STREAM_SIZE

    loop message available
      NATS --> Agent: next message
      alt message.seq < STREAM_SIZE
        Agent -> Agent: Store in HISTORY
      else message.seq = STREAM_SIZE
        Agent --> App: Compute current state and callback({ state, history, patch: null })
      else message.seq > STREAM_SIZE
        Agent --> App: Compute current state and callback({ state, patch })
  else unauthorized
    Agent -> App: throw unauthorized error

opt get state for scope
  App -> Agent: Agent.state(scope, user?, domain?)
  Agent -> Agent: call to get current state, then unwatch
  Agent --> App: first state as a proxy that publishes updates
  opt on mutate proxy
    Agent -> NATS: publish patch to DOMAIN.USER.SCOPE

deactivate Agent
deactivate App


This repository holds all the components necessary to deploy and run the entire KnowLearning platform.



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