Course materials for Reproducible Research UW
dr Jakub Michańków, email: [email protected]
- 50% activity
- 50% (40/10) project and presentation (in teams of 3-4)
Project proposal: (QF) 18.03.2024 / (DS) 21.03
Subject of your research and team members (3 or 4), to be send via email. Subject needs to be a research related to your major (QF or DS). Examples are included in the theoretical slides linked below (at the end of the presentation).
Presentation: (QF) 29.04.2024 / (DS) 25.04
Around 5 mins, the presentation need to include slides with title page with team members, why you chose the subject, how you want to solve the problem, short description of the tools you are going to use, and short description of each team member responsibilities. All team members must be present during the presentation (but only one person does the actual presentation).
Project delivery and discussion: (QF) 03.06.2024 and 10.06 / (DS) 06.06 and 13.06
The project needs to be an empirical reasearch (for example, data analysis and modelling (DS), financial forecasting, trading, risk management (QF)). You need to use Git and GitHub for the teamwork, version controlling, and delivery. The repository needs to be updated regularly with access to the history of your commits and changes (so start using Git/GitHub on day one). The project needs to be fully reproducible (anyone needs to be able to replicate your results). Also, you need to provide clear instructions on how to set up the environment and run the code. Preferred programming languages are Python and R.
from dr Wojciech Hardy:
Use of generative AI is allowed only to help you with your coding. Any parts of the code that have been generated need to clearly marked by comments in the code, where you need to state the scope of the support the type of AI model and its version.
Plagiarism is not tolerated in any form (including self-plagiarism). You are not allowed to copy parts from one project to another and you always need to provide an exact source.
(QF) 19.02.2024 - Classes moved to another date: 13.03.2024 18:30
(DS) 29.02.2024 - Classes moved to another date: 29.05.2024, 15:00 and 16:45
(DS) Classes moved from 26/28.03 due to rector hours to: 27.03.2024, 15:00 and 16:45
All assignments need to be delivered by midnight on the day of the class.
22.02.2024 (DS)/26.02(QF) - Assignment 1. Create your github profile (fill up the name and surname), go to this repository and star it.
04.03.2024 (QF)/07.03(DS) - Assignment 2. Link to instructions
11.03.2024 (QF)/14.03(DS) - Assignment 3. Link to instructions
18.03.2024 (QF)/21.03(DS) - Assignment 4. Link to instructions
25.03.2024 (QF)/27.03(DS) - Assignment 5. Link to instructions