Use LaunchDarkly in your Storybook stories.
This is not official storybook addon. I made this because LD won't for years launchdarkly/react-client-sdk#30.
I can't actively handle the issues which is not in my usecase. and won't because LD officials won't help.
yarn add --dev storybook-addon-launchdarkly
npm install -D storybook-addon-launchdarkly
Add the addon to your configuration in .storybook/main.js
module.exports = {
addons: [
...your addons
import Example from '.';
const meta = {
component: Example,
} satisfies Meta<typeof Example>;
export default meta;
export const Default: StoryObj<typeof meta> = {
parameters: {
launchdarkly: {
flags: {
testFlag: true,
Because composeStory dosen't handdle addons, you need to setup. check this comment for referrence.
// setupFile.js
import { setProjectAnnotations } from '@storybook/react';
import globalConfig from '../.storybook/preview';
import addonLaunchdarklyConfig from 'storybook-addon-launchdarkly/preview';
decorators: [
// not loaded automatically in preset, must add this manually for @storybook/testing-react to pick it up
// Example.test.tsx
import { composeStories } from '@storybook/react';
import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';
import * as stories from './Example.stories';
describe('Example', () => {
const { True, False } = composeStories(stories);
test('flag shoud be True', async () => {
render(<True {...True.args} />);
test('flag shoud be False', async () => {
render(<False {...False.args} />);