To create a web app poppulate data with Mongo (database).
This app alows users leave, update, delete comments on the news and fetch the latest news.
- Javascript
- Bootstrap (HTML, CSS, Javascript framework)
- JQuery (Javascript library)
- Node.js (Web-Server Langauge)
- Mongo (Database)
- Mongoose (ORM for Node.js)
- express (Node.js framework)
- cheerio (JQuey for server)
- express-handlebars (Templating engine for Node.js)
- method-override (Middleware)
- body-parser (Middleware)
- request (http calls)
- dotenv (hide credential information from public)
Please click to start Heroku app
Let's take a look at ScrapeDatNews
The first page of the application allows users to fetch the news in this case we grab data from NYT.
Once all data are loaded, users can save the any news to read it later.
Users can go to "Saved News" page and read the news they have saved and also unsaved the news.
Users can add notes into the news and view them later, or delete notes.
Users can fetch the new news without deleting the saved news.