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Visual Inference Lab | Kriegeskorte's Lab

Prof. Nikolaus Kriegeskorte | Columbia University in the City of New York | Cognitive Computational Neuroscience


The Visual Inference Lab is based at the Mortimer B. Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute at Columbia University in the City of New York. We are a research group dedicated to exploring computation mechanisms of vision in both biological and artificial systems.


Our lab studies the brain information processing that enables visual perception, object recognition, and scene understanding, aiming to bridge the gap between Computational Neuroscience, Cognitive Science, and Artificial Intelligence.

Principal Investigator

Prof. Niko Kriegeskorte

  • Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience;
  • Director of Cognitive Imaging in the Zuckerman Institute;
  • Affiliated member of Electrical Engineering

Learn More

"Our sense of vision is a window into how our brains compute"

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  1. PNAS_2020_Controversial_Stimuli PNAS_2020_Controversial_Stimuli Public

    Official supporting information for Golan, Raju & Kriegeskorte (2020) Controversial stimuli: Pitting neural networks against each other as models of human cognition

  2. controversial_stimuli_tutorial controversial_stimuli_tutorial Public

    A PyTorch tutorial on synthesizing controversial stimuli for ImageNet classifiers

    Jupyter Notebook 11 4


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