require_once './config.php'; //library credentials
require_once './lib/Library.php';
$library = new Zotero_Library($libraryType, $userID, $userSlug, $apiKey);
//get some tags
$tags = $library->fetchTags(array('limit'=>5, 'order'=>'title', 'sort'=>'desc'));
foreach($tags as $tag){
if($tag->numItems > 0){
echo $tag->name . " - " . $tag->numItems . "\n";
echo $tag->name . " - has no items\n";
$items = $library->loadItems(array('tag'=>'zotero'));
//get groups the key has access to
$r = $library->getAccessibleGroups($userID);
//get permissions for the key
//$permissions = $library->getKeyPermissions();
//load some existing items
$items = $library->loadItemsTop(array('limit'=>10));
foreach($items as $item){
echo "Top level item with title: " . $item->get('title') . "\n";
//load the items currently in the trash
$items = $library->loadTrashedItems(array('limit'=>10));
foreach($items as $item){
echo "Trashed item with title: " . $item->get('title') . "\n";
//echo "now deleting item \n";
//create a new item of type book
$newItem = $library->getTemplateItem('book');
$newItem->set('title', 'This is a book');
$newItem->set('abstractNote', 'Created using a zotero php library and the write api');
$createItemResponse = $library->createItem($newItem);
echo $createItemResponse->getStatus() . "\n";
echo $createItemResponse->getBody() . "\n";
die("Error creating Zotero item\n\n");
echo "Item created\n\n";
$existingItem = new Zotero_Item($createItemResponse->getBody());
//add child note
$newNoteItem = $library->getTemplateItem('note');
$addNoteResponse = $library->addNotes($existingItem, $newNoteItem);
echo $addNoteResponse->getStatus() . "\n";
echo $addNoteResponse->getBody() . "\n";
die("error adding child note to item");
echo "added child note\n";
$existingItem->set('date', '2011');
//$existingItem->set('deleted', 1);
$updateItemResponse = $library->writeUpdatedItem($existingItem);
die("Error updating Zotero item\n\n");
echo "Item updated\n\n";
//$item->set('title', 'newtitle');
//$updateResponse = $library->updateItem($item->itemKey);
//$deleteResponse = $library->deleteItem($item);
$item = $library->getTemplateItem('book');
Many functions return http response objects. The response object used is copied from Zend_Http_Response.
- public function __construct($code, array $headers, $body = null, $version = '1.1', $message = null)
- public function isError()
- public function isSuccessful()
- public function isRedirect()
- public function getBody()
- public function getVersion();
- public function getStatus();
- public function getMessage();
- public function getHeaders();
- public function getHeader($header);
- public function getHeadersAsString($status_line = true, $br = "\n")
- public function asString($br = "\n") //get entire response as string
- const ZOTERO_URI = '';
- protected $_apiKey;
- protected $_ch;
- public $libraryType;
- public $libraryID;
- public $libraryString;
- public $libraryUrlIdentifier;
- public $libraryBaseWebsiteUrl;
- public $items;
- public $collections;
- public $dirty;
- public $useLibraryAsContainer
- __construct($libraryType, $libraryID, $libraryUrlIdentifier, $apiKey = null, $baseWebsiteUrl="")
- public function _request($url, $method="GET", $body=NULL, $headers=array()) {
- public function getLastResponse()
- public static function libraryString($type, $libraryID)
- public function apiRequestUrl($params, $base = Zotero_Library::ZOTERO_URI)
- public function apiQueryString($passedParams)
- public function parseQueryString($query)
- public function loadAllCollections($params)
- public function loadCollections($params)
- public function loadItemsTop($params=array())
- public function loadItems($params)
- public function loadItem($itemKey)
- public function writeUpdatedItem($item)
- public function createItem($item)
- public function deleteItem($item)
- public function getTemplateItem($itemType)
- public function createCollection($name, $parent = false)
- public function removeCollection($collection)
- public function addItemsToCollection($collection, $items)
- public function removeItemsFromCollection($collection, $items)
- public function removeItemFromCollection($collection, $item)
- public function writeUpdatedCollection($collection)
- public function trashItem($item)
- public function fetchItemChildren($item)
- public function getItemTypes()
- public function getItemFields()
- public function getCreatorTypes($itemType)
- public function getCreatorFields()
- public function fetchTags($params)