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What is survival analysis and why should I learn it? Survival analysis was originally developed and applied heavily by the actuarial and medical community. Its purpose was to answer why do events occur now versus later under uncertainity (where events might refer to deaths, disease remission, etc.). This is great for researchers who are interested in measuring lifetimes: they can answer questions like what factors might influence deaths?

But outside of medicine and actuarial science, there are many other interesting and exicting applications of this lesser-known technique. SaaS providers are interested in measuring customer lifetimes; sociologists are interested in measure political parties lifetimes, or relationships, or marriages; Telcoms are interested in understand customer behaviours, etc.

lifelines is a pure Python implementation of the best parts of survival analysis, with simple classes and helper functions.


The usual Python data stack: numpy, pandas, matplotlib (optional)

(Quick) Intro to lifelines and survival analysis

**Work in progress (50%) **

If you are new to survival analysis, wondering why it is useful, or are interested in examples, I recommend running the Tutorial and Examples.ipynb notebook in a IPython notebook session. Alternatively, you can view it online here.


**Work in progress (80%) **

I've added documentation to a notebook, Documentation.ipynb, that adds detail to the classes, methods and data types. You can use the IPython notebook to view it, or view it online.

Enough talk - just show me the examples!

These demonstrate some functionality. If you are unfamiliar with Survival Analysis, I would start here.

Generating artificial datasets

from lifelines.generate_datasets import *
from lifelines.estimation import *

n_ind = 4 # how many lifetimes do we observe
n_dim = 5 # the number of covarites to generate. 
t = np.linspace(0,40,400)

hz, coefs, covart = generate_hazard_rates(n_ind, n_dim, t, model="aalen")
# you're damn right these are dataframes


(this styling of Matplotlib is present in the styles/ folder) Hazard Rates

sv = construct_survival_curves(hz, t )
sv.plot() #moar dataframes

Survival Curves

#using the hazard curves, we can sample from survival times.
rv = generate_random_lifetimes(hz, t, 50 )
print rv
array([[ 9.4235589 ,  3.60902256,  3.0075188 ,  0.60150376],
       [ 1.00250627,  3.20802005,  0.70175439,  0.30075188],
       [ 5.71428571,  8.02005013,  5.41353383,  0.30075188],
       [ 3.70927318,  4.41102757,  3.30827068,  0.30075188],
       [ 1.80451128,  1.5037594 ,  0.30075188,  0.40100251],
       [ 1.40350877,  1.5037594 ,  0.80200501,  0.10025063]])

survival_times = rv[:,0][:,None]  

#estimation is clean and built to resemble scikit learn's api.
kmf = KaplanMeierFitter()

KaplanMeier estimate

naf = NelsonAalenFitter()


Censorship events and estimation

When there are right-censored events, the simplest case being there are still surviving individuals, we need to be more careful and factor these non-observed individuals in. The api for this is an obvious extension from above:

t = np.linspace(0,40,1000)
hz, coefs, covart = generate_hazard_rates(1, 2, t, model="aalen")

#generate random lifetimes with uniform censoring. C is the boolean of censorship
T, C = generate_random_lifetimes(hz, t, size=750, censor=True )

In the above line, C is a boolean array with True iff we observed the death event, otherwise, they individual was right-censored. T is the death event, or if censored, the most lifespan before censorship.

kmf = KaplanMeierFitter(),t,censorship=C) #add in the censorship here

#plot it
ax = kmf.survival_function_.plot()
sv = construct_survival_curves(hz,t) 

##what if we had ignored the censorship events?,t, column_name="KM-estimate without factoring censorship")


Survival Regression

Currently implemented is Aalen's Additive model

from lifelines.estimation import AalenAdditiveFitter

#will fit the cumulative hazards
aaf = AalenAdditiveFitter(fit_intercept=True)[None,:], X, censorship=C) #X is a dataframe of numpy array of covariatesg


#plot the kernel smoothed hazards


Plotting and Styles

The styling present in the above graphs is from a custom matplotlibrc file, you can find it in the styles/ directory.

There is a plotting library in Lifelines, under lifelines.plotting. We can visualize the lifetimes of individuals (really only good for data checking for small samples).

from lifelines.plotting import plot_lifetimes

N = 20
current = 10
birthtimes = current*np.random.uniform(size=(N,))
T, C= generate_random_lifetimes(hz, t, size=N, censor=current - birthtimes )
plot_lifetimes(T, censorship=C, birthtimes=birthtimes)


Moar examples?

There are some IPython notebook files in the repo, and you can view them online here (though they may contain syntax from older versions of lifelines.)


Survival analysis in Python







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