Published 23 November 2023
- OkHttp: SSE client throws confusing "Unexpected error" on non 200 status (KTOR-6390)
- Logging plugin blocks response body streaming when level is BODY (KTOR-6482)
- HttpResponseValidator consumes HTTP response body (KTOR-4225)
- CIO: Unable to perform WebSocket upgrade when Content-Type header is sent in the request (KTOR-6366)
- ContentNegotiation: Adding charset to content type of JacksonConverter breaks request matching (KTOR-6420)
- DOS via OOM due to unbound request body size (KTOR-2682)
- AcceptAllCookiesStorage ignores cookie's max-age (KTOR-2023)
- Inconsistent behavior for different engines when exception is thrown in the writer of WriteChannelContent (KTOR-3266)
- Server doesn't send a response when a status code is passed to call.respond and the custom serializer throws an exception (KTOR-6150)
- contentLength() returns null on Android (KTOR-1540)
- Kotlin/JS: Allow passing custom Agent (KTOR-5861)
- Update Kotlin to 1.9.0 (KTOR-6123)
- Update Kotlin to 1.9.20 (KTOR-6447)
- Deprecate Locations with Level.ERROR (KTOR-6029)
- HSTS plugin hard codes port 443 (KTOR-4168)
- API to use java.nio.Path as resources (KTOR-4275)
- Ability to serve static resources from a .zip file (KTOR-6385)
- Make DefaultHeaders plugin Kotlin native compatible (KTOR-6356)
- Disable compression for SSE requests (KTOR-6327)
- Drop http timeout for sse requests (KTOR-6312)
- Add deprecations for old IO API (KTOR-6036)
- Drop old deprecations (KTOR-6262)
- Drop actual modifier for Memory class in jvm for compatibility with K2 (KTOR-6006)
- Remove @Suppress("NO_ACTUAL_CLASS_MEMBER_FOR_EXPECTED_CLASS") in preparation for Kotlin 2.0 (KTOR-5824)
- Migrate client plugins to new API (KTOR-6303)
- Jetty Server no idle timeout configuration possible (KTOR-6288)
- AttributeKey equality comparison breaks type safety (KTOR-6122)
- Darwin: Support accessing NSURLSessionDelegate (KTOR-5688)
- Remove writing multipart data to temp file (KTOR-5881)
- Netty: Allow listening only for HTTP/1.1 protocol SSL connections (KTOR-6098)
- Persistent Cookie Storage: Make Cookie.matches and Cookie.fillDefaults methods public (KTOR-6119)
- Decompressed response/request should unset Content-Encoding header (KTOR-6080)
- renderSetCookieHeader shouldn't ignore maxAge = 0 (KTOR-6007)
- Webjars plugin should include caching headers and ETag by default (KTOR-6073)
- SessionsConfig.cookie problem with reified type argument (KTOR-5905)
- Make LDAP Auth return generic Principal instead of UserIdPrincipal (KTOR-793)
- Logger name should be prefixed with io.ktor (KTOR-938)
- Add Server-sent events (SSE) plugin for client and support for OkHttp engine (KTOR-505)
- Client support for SSE plugin (CIO, Apache, Java) (KTOR-5963)
- SSE plugin support in Js, Android, Curl, Darwin, WinHttp client engine (KTOR-6217)
- Add Server-sent events (SSE) plugin for server (KTOR-6172)
- Support UTF-8 BOM character (KTOR-5812)
- Support Compression of Request Body with ContentEncoding Client Plugin (KTOR-4502)