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  • 1 Pre-requisites
  • 1.1 Setup environment
  • 1.2 Create Azure and AWS clusters and setup local kubectl
  • 2 Prepate Strimzi / Kafka
  • 2.1 Deploy Strimzi and Kafka
  • 2.2 Install Grafana dashboards
  • 2.3 Simple consumer and producer
  • 3 Prepate ArgoCD projects and environment
  • 3.1 Install ArgoCD CLI
  • 3.1 Deploy ArgoCD and Test App
  • 3.3 Connect to ArgoCD
  • 3.4 Deploy a test app
  • 4 Prepare Velero Backup
  • 4.1 Azure
  • 4.1.1 Create Backups Azure Storage Account and Resource Group
  • 4.1.2 Deploy Velero Server to Azure cluster
  • 4.2 AWS
  • 4.2.1 Create Backup AWS S3 bucket
  • 4.1.2 Deploy Velero Server to Azure cluster
  • 5 Backup
  • 5.1 One-time Backup Kafka
  • 5.2 Scheduled Backup Kafka
  • 5.3 Backup ArgoCD and App
  • 6 Restore
  • 6.1 Restore Kafka
  • 6.1.1 Delete Kafka
  • 6.1.2 Restore Kafka
  • 6.2 Restore ArgoCD and/or Application
  • 6.2.1 Delete App Namespace
  • 6.2.2 Delete ArgoCD namespace
  • 6.2.3 Restore ArgoCD Namespace
  • 6.2.4 Restore App Namespace
  • 7 Cleanup

1. Pre-requisites

  • Kublr 1.21.0+
  • Kubernetes 1.20+
  • Azure account
  • AWS account
  • kubectl 1.19+
  • Helm v3.5+
  • Docker 20.10.5+
  • Bash
  • jq v1.6+

1.1. Setup environment

Clone the project:

git clone [email protected]:kublr/bcdr-demo.git

Specify KCP connection parameters:

export KCP_URL=...
export KCP_USERNAME=...
export KCP_PASSWORD=...

export AZURE_BACKUP_RESOURCE_GROUP=velero_backups_test

export AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_ID="myvelerosa326492368217"

# Azure API Connection Credentials
export AZURE_TENANT_ID=...
export AZURE_CLIENT_ID=...


export AWS_BUCKET=my-bcdr-demo-bucket
export AWS_REGION=us-east-1

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=...

Set environment variables:

. bcdr-demo/hacks/

Make sure that azure Azure credentials, ssh-pub public SSH key, and aws AWS credentials secrets exist in the default space in the KCP.

1.2. Create Azure and AWS clusters and setup local kubectl

Create clusters:

. bcdr-demo/hacks/
. bcdr-demo/hacks/

When the cluster is created download and setup kubeconfig:

. bcdr-demo/hacks/

Verify that it works:

kubectl get nodes --context=z
kubectl get nodes --context=w

2. Prepate Strimzi / Kafka

2.1. Deploy Strimzi and Kafka

Deploy/update strimzi operator to AWS and Azure clusters (use kubectl config use-context w and kubectl config use-context z to switch):

kubectl create ns kafka

helm upgrade --install --create-namespace \
    -n strimzi \
    strimzi-kafka-operator \ \
    --set "watchNamespaces[0]=kafka"

Deploy/update kafka clusters:

kubectl apply -f bcdr-demo/template-kafka/

2.2. Install Grafana dashboards

Import Grafana dashboards from grafana-dashboards via Grafana UI.

The dashboards are based on The dashboard are adjusted for Kublr multi-cluster monitoring label schema. The file grafana-dashboards/ describes generic adjustments that need to be made for that.

Kafka, Zookeeper, Kafka Exporter metrics are currently configured to be scraped by Prometheus and can be displayed.

2.3. Simple consumer and producer

The following command can be used to produce some messages so that kafka data disks are not empty:

kubectl -n kafka run kafka-producer -ti --rm=true --restart=Never --overrides='{
  "spec": {
    "containers": [{
      "name": "kafka-producer",
      "image": "",
      "command": ["bin/"],
      "args": [
        "--bootstrap-server", "kafka-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092",
        "--topic", "topic-1",
        "--producer-property", "security.protocol=SASL_PLAINTEXT",
        "--producer-property", "sasl.mechanism=SCRAM-SHA-512",
        "--producer-property", " required username=\"admin\" password=\"admin\";"
      "stdin": true,
      "tty": true
' -- bash

The following command can be used to verify that the messages produced can be consumed.

The same command can be used to verify backup restoration correctness.

kubectl -n kafka run kafka-consumer -ti --rm=true --restart=Never --overrides='{
  "spec": {
    "containers": [{
      "name": "kafka-consumer",
      "image": "",
      "command": ["bin/"],
      "args": [
        "--bootstrap-server", "kafka-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092",
        "--topic", "topic-1",
        "--consumer-property", "security.protocol=SASL_PLAINTEXT",
        "--consumer-property", "sasl.mechanism=SCRAM-SHA-512",
        "--consumer-property", " required username=\"admin\" password=\"admin\";"
      "stdin": true,
      "tty": true
' -- bash

The producers will wait for input from the terminal.

The consumers will print to the standard output.

Ctrl-D will complete the producer, and Ctrl-C will complete both producers and consumers.

Cleanup leftover pods:

kubectl -n kafka delete pod kafka-producer --now
kubectl -n kafka delete pod kafka-consumer --now

3. Prepate ArgoCD projects and environment

3.1. Install ArgoCD CLI

curl -sSL -o argocd
chmod +x argocd

3.1. Deploy ArgoCD and Test App

Perform the following steps for each cluster - AWS and Azure (kubectl config use-context w, kubectl config use-context z).

kubectl --context=w create namespace argocd
kubectl --context=w apply -n argocd -f

kubectl --context=z create namespace argocd
kubectl --context=z apply -n argocd -f

3.3. Connect to ArgoCD

Port forward ArgoCD UI:

kubectl --context=w port-forward svc/argocd-server -n argocd 8081:443 --address > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &
kubectl --context=z port-forward svc/argocd-server -n argocd 8082:443 --address > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &

Get password(s):

echo "ArgoCD pwd AWS  : $(kubectl --context=w -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d)"
echo "ArgoCD pwd Azure: $(kubectl --context=z -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d)"

Login in browser https://localhost:8081 and https://localhost:8082

Login ArgoCD CLI:

argocd login --name w localhost:8081
argocd login --name z localhost:8082

3.4. Deploy a test app

Deploy a guestbook app as described in to guestbook namespace (mark "autocreate namespace" on sync).

Deploying via CLI in each cluster, switch between cluster with argocd context w and argocd context z:

argocd app create guestbook \
   --repo \
   --path guestbook \
   --dest-server https://kubernetes.default.svc \
   --dest-namespace guestbook \
   --sync-option CreateNamespace=true

argocd app sync guestbook

4. Prepare Velero Backup

4.1. Azure

4.1.1. Create Backups Azure Storage Account and Resource Group

The following script creates a geo-replicated, HTTPS-only, priivate, and encrypted storage account

# Resource Group

az group create -n "${AZURE_BACKUP_RESOURCE_GROUP}" --location eastus

# Storage Account

az storage account create \
    --name "${AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_ID}" \
    --resource-group "${AZURE_BACKUP_RESOURCE_GROUP}" \
    --sku Standard_GRS \
    --https-only true \
    --allow-blob-public-access false \
    --access-tier Hot

# Container

az storage container create \
    --name "${BLOB_CONTAINER}" \
    --public-access off \
    --account-name "${AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_ID}"

4.1.2. Deploy Velero Server to Azure cluster

Deploy Velero Server

kubectl config use-context z

helm upgrade velero \
    --install \
    --create-namespace \
    --namespace velero \
    --set initContainers[0].name=velero-plugin-for-microsoft-azure \
    --set initContainers[0].image=velero/velero-plugin-for-microsoft-azure:v1.2.0 \
    --set initContainers[0].volumeMounts[0].mountPath=/target \
    --set initContainers[0].volumeMounts[0].name=plugins \
    --set configuration.provider=azure \
    --set \
    --set configuration.backupStorageLocation.bucket="${BLOB_CONTAINER}" \
    --set configuration.backupStorageLocation.config.resourceGroup="${AZURE_BACKUP_RESOURCE_GROUP}" \
    --set configuration.backupStorageLocation.config.storageAccount="${AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_ID}" \
    --set \
    --set configuration.volumeSnapshotLocation.config.resourceGroup="${AZURE_BACKUP_RESOURCE_GROUP}" \

Optionally (potentially) multiple additional plugins may be configured in the installation configuration.

Optionally (potentially) multiple additional backup storage locations and volume snapshot locations may be configured in the installation configuration and/or as CRD objects at runtime via kubectl, velero CLI, or other methods.

4.2. AWS

4.2.1. Create Backup AWS S3 bucket

aws s3api create-bucket \
    --bucket "${AWS_BUCKET}" \
    --region "${AWS_REGION}"

4.1.2. Deploy Velero Server to Azure cluster

Deploy Velero Server

kubectl config use-context w

helm upgrade velero \
    --install \
    --create-namespace \
    --namespace velero \
    --set initContainers[0].name=velero-plugin-for-aws \
    --set initContainers[0].image=velero/velero-plugin-for-aws:v1.2.0 \
    --set initContainers[0].volumeMounts[0].mountPath=/target \
    --set initContainers[0].volumeMounts[0].name=plugins \
    --set configuration.provider=aws \
    --set \
    --set configuration.backupStorageLocation.bucket="${AWS_BUCKET}" \
    --set configuration.backupStorageLocation.config.region="${AWS_REGION}" \
    --set \
    --set configuration.volumeSnapshotLocation.config.region="${AWS_REGION}" \

Optionally (potentially) multiple additional plugins may be configured in the installation configuration.

Optionally (potentially) multiple additional backup storage locations and volume snapshot locations may be configured in the installation configuration and/or as CRD objects at runtime via kubectl, velero CLI, or other methods.

5. Backup

The following steps are exactly the same in AWS and Azure clusters; switch between them with kubectl config use-context z and kubectl config use-context w

5.1. One-time Backup Kafka

See velero backup reference for more details.

velero backup create kafka-backup1 --include-namespaces kafka

velero backup get kafka-backup1
velero backup describe kafka-backup1
velero backup describe kafka-backup1 --details
velero backup logs kafka-backup1

5.2. Scheduled Backup Kafka

# Schedule backup every 6 hours
velero schedule create kafka --schedule="0 */6 * * *" --include-namespaces kafka
velero schedule get kafka
velero backup get

5.3. Backup ArgoCD and App

velero backup create argo-backup1 --include-namespaces argocd,guestbook

velero backup get argo-backup1
velero backup describe argo-backup1
velero backup describe argo-backup1 --details
velero backup logs argo-backup1

6. Restore

6.1. Restore Kafka

See Velero restore reference for more details.

6.1.1. Delete Kafka

kubectl delete ns kafka

6.1.2. Restore Kafka

Restore the namespace from backup or schedule:

velero restore create kafka-restore1 --from-backup kafka-backup1
# OR
velero restore create kafka-restore1 --from-schedule kafka

velero restore get kafka-restore1
velero restore describe kafka-restore1
velero restore describe kafka-restore1 --details
velero restore logs kafka-restore1

6.2. Restore ArgoCD and/or Application

6.2.1. Delete App Namespace

kubectl delete ns guestbook

ArgoCD shows "missing" application status

6.2.2. Delete ArgoCD namespace

kubectl delete ns argocd

ArgoCD is unavailable.

6.2.3. Restore ArgoCD Namespace

velero restore create argocd-restore1 --from-backup argo-backup1 --include-namespaces argocd

velero restore get argocd-restore1
velero restore describe argocd-restore1
velero restore describe argocd-restore1 --details
velero restore logs argocd-restore1

If necessary restart port forwarding:

kubectl --context=w port-forward svc/argocd-server -n argocd 8080:443 --address > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &
kubectl --context=z port-forward svc/argocd-server -n argocd 8081:443 --address > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &

ArgoCD running, shows "missing" application status

6.2.4. Restore App Namespace

velero restore create argocd-app-restore1 --from-backup argo-backup1 --include-namespaces guestbook

velero restore get argocd-app-restore1
velero restore describe argocd-app-restore1
velero restore describe argocd-app-restore1 --details
velero restore logs argocd-app-restore1

ArgoCD shows healthy synced application status again

7. Cleanup

Delete all restore and backup objects and resources:

velero restore delete --all
velero backup delete --all

Wait for all backups to be deleted, checking with the command velero backup get.

Delete Velero, ArgoCD and the test app:

# Veleeo
helm uninstall velero --namespace velero
kubectl delete ns velero
kubectl delete $(kubectl get crd -o name | grep velero)

# ArgoCD and test app
kubectl delete ns guestbook
kubectl delete -n argocd -f
kubectl delete ns argocd
kubectl delete $(kubectl get crd -o name | grep argoproj)

Delete Kafaka cluster.

# Kafka and Strimzi
kubectl delete -f bcdr-demo/template-kafka/

Wait for kafka cluster to be deleted.

Delete strimzi operator.

helm uninstall -n strimzi strimzi-kafka-operator
kubectl delete ns kafka strimzi
kubectl delete $(kubectl get crd -o name | grep 'strimzi\|kafka')


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