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A Kurtosis package that spins up a local Ethereum testnet

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This package has been deprecated. Please use the Ethereum Package here

As of Sept 2023, this Kurtosis package has been deprecated and is no longer maintained. Please use the latest Ethereum Package here.

Package owners who rely on this eth-network-package are strongly advised to migrate to using the latest Ethereum Package here. Please reach out on the Kurtosis Discord if you have questions. Thank you!

Ethereum Network Package

Run of the Ethereum Network Package

This is a Kurtosis Starlark Package that spins up an Ethereum network.


This assumes you have the Kurtosis CLI installed and the Docker daemon running on your local machine.

To get started, simply run

kurtosis run

Configuring the Network

By default, this package spins up a single node with a geth EL client and lighthouse CL client and comes with seven prefunded keys for testing, but these and other parameters are configurable through a json file Read more about the node architecture here. The package supports geth, nethermind, besu, erigon, reth el clients and lodestar, lighthouse, and teku cl clients.

Click to show all configuration options
  //  Specification of the participants in the network
  "participants": [
      //  The type of EL client that should be started
      //  Valid values are "geth, besu, erigon, nethermind, and reth"
      "el_client_type": "geth",

      //  The Docker image that should be used for the EL client; leave blank to use the default for the client type
      //  Defaults by client:
      //  - geth: ethereum/client-go:latest
      //  - erigon: thorax/erigon:devel
      //  - nethermind:	nethermind/nethermind:latest
      //  - besu:	hyperledger/besu:develop
      //  - reth:
      "el_client_image": "",

      //  The log level string that this participant's EL client should log at
      //  If this is emptystring then the global `logLevel` parameter's value will be translated into a string appropriate for the client (e.g. if
      //   global `logLevel` = `info` then Geth would receive `3`)
      //  If this is not emptystring, then this value will override the global `logLevel` setting to allow for fine-grained control
      //   over a specific participant's logging
      "el_client_log_level": "",

      //  A list of optional extra params that will be passed to the EL client container for modifying its behaviour
      "el_extra_params": [],

      //  The type of CL client that should be started
      //  Valid values are "lighthouse", "nimbus", "lodestar", "teku", and "prysm"
      "cl_client_type": "lighthouse",

      //  The Docker image that should be used for the EL client; leave blank to use the default for the client type
      //  Defaults by client:
      //  - lighthouse: sigp/lighthouse:latest
      //  - teku: consensys/teku:latest
      //  - lodestar: chainsafe/lodestar:latest
      //  - nimbus: statusim/nimbus-eth2:multiarch-latest
      //  - prysm: prysmaticlabs/prysm-beacon-chain:latest,prysmaticlabs/prysm-validator:latest
      "cl_client_image": "",

      //  The log level string that this participant's EL client should log at
      //  If this is emptystring then the global `logLevel` parameter's value will be translated into a string appropriate for the client (e.g. if
      //   global `logLevel` = `info` then Teku would receive `INFO`, Prysm would receive `info`, etc.)
      //  If this is not emptystring, then this value will override the global `logLevel` setting to allow for fine-grained control
      //   over a specific participant's logging
      "cl_client_log_level": "",

      //  A list of optional extra params that will be passed to the CL client Beacon container for modifying its behaviour
      //  If the client combines the Beacon & validator nodes (e.g. Teku), then this list will be passed to the combined Beacon-validator node
      "beacon_extra_params": [],

      //  A list of optional extra params that will be passed to the CL client validator container for modifying its behaviour
      //  If the client combines the Beacon & validator nodes (e.g. Teku), then this list will also be passed to the combined Beacon-validator node
      "validator_extra_params": [],

      // A set of parameters the node needs to reach an external block building network
      // If `null` then the builder infrastructure will not be instantiated
      // Example:
      // "relay_endpoints": [
      //   "https://[email protected]",
      //   "https://[email protected]",
      //   "https://[email protected]",
      //   "https://[email protected]"
      //  ]
      "builder_network_params": null,

      // Execution node minimum and maximum CPU (millicpu) and memory (MB) limits
      // Defaults are configured per client
      "el_min_cpu": 0,
      "el_max_cpu": 0,
      "el_min_mem": 0,
      "el_max_mem": 0,

      // Beacon node minimum and maximum CPU (millicpu) and memory (MB) limits
      // Defaults are configured per client
      "bn_min_cpu": 0,
      "bn_max_cpu": 0,
      "bn_min_mem": 0,
      "bn_max_mem": 0,

      // Validator node minimum and maximum CPU (millicpu) and memory (MB) limits
      // Defaults are configured per client
      "v_min_cpu": 0,
      "v_max_cpu": 0,
      "v_min_mem": 0,
      "v_max_mem": 0,

      // Validator count can override the default number of validators per node
      // Defaults are set by num_validator_keys_per_node
      "validator_count": null,

      // The number of times this participant should be repeated
      // defaults to 1(i.e no repetition). This is optional.
      "count": 1

  //  Configuration parameters for the Eth network
  "network_params": {
    //  The network ID of the Eth1 network
    "network_id": "3151908",

    //  The address of the staking contract address on the Eth1 chain
    "deposit_contract_address": "0x4242424242424242424242424242424242424242",

    //  Number of seconds per slot on the Beacon chain
    "seconds_per_slot": 12,

    //  Number of slots in an epoch on the Beacon chain
    "slots_per_epoch": 32,

    //  The number of validator keys that each CL validator node should get
    "num_validator_keys_per_node": 64,

    //  This mnemonic will a) be used to create keystores for all the types of validators that we have and b) be used to generate a CL genesis.ssz that has the children
    //   validator keys already preregistered as validators
    "preregistered_validator_keys_mnemonic": "giant issue aisle success illegal bike spike question tent bar rely arctic volcano long crawl hungry vocal artwork sniff fantasy very lucky have athlete"

  // Parallelizes keystore generation so that each node has keystores being generated in their own container
  // Use against large clusters only
  "parallel_keystore_generation": false

For example, this eth-network-params.json adds a second node, running a different EL/CL client configuration.

  "//note": "each participant struct in participants corresponds to a node in the network",
  "participants": [
      "el_client_type": "geth",
      "el_client_image": "",
      "el_client_log_level": "",
      "el_extra_params": [],
      "el_extra_env_vars": {},
      "cl_client_type": "lighthouse",
      "cl_client_image": "",
      "cl_client_log_level": "",
      "beacon_extra_params": [],
      "validator_extra_params": [],
      "builder_network_params": null,
      "count": 1
      "el_client_type": "nethermind",
      "el_client_image": "",
      "el_client_log_level": "",
      "el_extra_params": [],
      "el_extra_env_vars": {},
      "cl_client_type": "teku",
      "cl_client_image": "",
      "cl_client_log_level": "",
      "beacon_extra_params": [],
      "validator_extra_params": [],
      "builder_network_params": null,
      "count": 1
  "network_params": {
    "preregistered_validator_keys_mnemonic": "giant issue aisle success illegal bike spike question tent bar rely arctic volcano long crawl hungry vocal artwork sniff fantasy very lucky have athlete",
    "num_validator_keys_per_node": 64,
    "network_id": "3151908",
    "deposit_contract_address": "0x4242424242424242424242424242424242424242",
    "seconds_per_slot": 12,
    "slots_per_epoch": 32,
    "genesis_delay": 120,
    "capella_fork_epoch": 0,
    "deneb_fork_epoch": 500
  "global_client_log_level": "info",
  "parallel_keystore_generation": false

To run the package with your desired configuration (as specified in your eth-network-params.json file), simply run:

kurtosis run "$(cat ~/eth-network-params.json)"

Using this in your own package

Kurtosis Packages can be used within other Kurtosis Packages through composition. Assuming you want to spin up an Ethereum network and your own service together, you just need to do the following

# Import the Ethereum Package
eth_network_module = import_module("")

# of your Ethereum Network + Service package
def run(plan, args):
    plan.print("Spinning up the Ethereum Network")
    # this will spin up the network and return the output of the Ethereum Network package
    # any args parsed to your package would get passed down to the Ethereum Network package
    eth_network_participants, cl_genesis_timestamp =, args)