A PHP-based application designed to help administrators enhance their website's SEO rankings. This tool facilitates website crawling, internal link analysis, and sitemap generation. Powered by Docker for effortless setup, wp-web-crawler offers an intuitive interface for evaluating internal link structures.
- Docker
- Make (Optional): We recommend installing the "make" utility to simplify common development tasks.
To install the WP-WEB-CRAWLER, follow these steps:
- Ensure the "make" utility has been installed on your local machine.
- Clone the repository to your local machine.
- Navigate to the project directory.
- Run the following command:
make setup
NB: After running the command, the application would be installed.
To access the list of available make commands:
make help
Install Docker and Docker Compose on your system.
Clone the repository to your local machine.
Navigate to the project directory.
Create a .env file based off .env.example.
cp .env.example .env
Start docker engine.
Build containers:
docker-compose build --no-cache
- Bring up containers in detached mode:
docker-compose up -d
- SSH into the wp-web-crawler app container:
docker exec -it -u ubuntu wp-web-crawler /bin/bash
- Run the following command:
composer install
After successful installation:
- If you have
installed, run tests using:
make test
- If you don't have
installed, use:
docker exec -it -u ubuntu wp-web-crawler /bin/bash -c "./vendor/bin/phpunit"
- Visit the following urls to ensure everything is correctly setup:
- Username: test_user
- Password: password
To manage the database, use Adminer, which can be accessed at DB Management Interface. Login with the following credentials:
- System: MySQL
- Server: db
- Username: wp_user
- Password: wp_root
- Database: wp
For a more detailed explanation of how the WP-WEB-CRAWLER application functions, you can refer to our Explanation.md document. This document provides insights into the internal workings of the application and can be a valuable resource for understanding its functionality.
Before initiating web crawling using WP-WEB-CRAWLER or any other web crawling tool, it's essential to be aware that some websites may explicitly prohibit or restrict crawling through the use of robots.txt files or other methods.
Always respect the website's terms of service and robots.txt guidelines when performing web crawling activities. Unauthorized or aggressive crawling can put unnecessary strain on web servers and may be considered unethical or even illegal.
WP-WEB-CRAWLER is designed to assist administrators in enhancing their website's SEO rankings through responsible and ethical crawling practices. Please use this tool responsibly and ensure that you have the necessary permissions to crawl a website.