Releases: kyleruss/graphi
Build-Date: 23-08-16
Revision: 471
Version: 1.7.2
[New Feature] Added Task importing and exporting
[New Feature] Added Task properties
[New Feature] Added table export task
[New Feature] Graph visuals can now be toggled
[Change] Tasks no longer snapshot GUI properties
[GUI Update] Added processing loading visual
[Bug Fix] Fixed graph editor mode
[Bug Fix] Fixed GUI hanging during long processing
[New Featre] Added feature: Tasks
[Added] Option for persistence of graph object state in recording controls
[Added] Graphi.exe file
[Removed] run.bat file
[Removed] bin/Graphi.jar file and bin directory
[Bugfix] Fixed computation tables not clearing on graph reset
[Changed] Display, data and window icons
[Bugfix] Fixed eigenvector centrality computation algorithms
[Bugfix] Fixed computation tables not being recorded in graph recordings
[Bugfix] Improved scrollbar sensitivity
[Bugfix] Fixed graph recording entries being mutated after saving
[Added] Import, export and clear controls in output view