This repository has been archived by the owner on Sep 15, 2022. It is now read-only.
- Added AWS Service Broker
- Migrated DocsTopics for all of the brokers
To extend the Helm Broker in Kyma, use the indexes that are part of the release.
Check your current repositories URLs:
- In the latest version of Kyma:
kubectl get configmap -n kyma-system -l helm-broker-repo=true -ojson | jq '.items[].data.URLs'
- In Kyma version under v0.8:
kubectl get -n kyma-system deployment/helm-broker --output=jsonpath='{.spec.template.spec.containers[0].env[?("APP_REPOSITORY_URLS")].value}'
If you want to change your repository configuration, follow these steps:
Set the repository to stable bundles from this release:
- In the latest version of Kyma:
kubectl create configmap my-helm-repos-urls -n kyma-system --from-literal=URLs=
kubectl label configmap my-helm-repos-urls -n kyma-system helm-broker-repo=true
- In Kyma version under v0.8:
kubectl set env -n kyma-system deployment/helm-broker -e APP_REPOSITORY_URLS=""
Add testing bundles:
- In the latest version of Kyma:
kubectl create configmap testing-repo-url -n kyma-system --from-literal=URLs=
kubectl label configmap testing-repo-url -n kyma-system helm-broker-repo=true
- In Kyma version under v0.8:
URLS=$(kubectl get -n kyma-system deployment/helm-broker --output=jsonpath='{.spec.template.spec.containers[0].env[?("APP_REPOSITORY_URLS")].value}')
kubectl set env -n kyma-system deployment/helm-broker -e APP_REPOSITORY_URLS="$URLS;"
NOTE: The Helm Broker does not register duplicated bundles in the Service Catalog. Ensure that the registered repositories do not define the same bundles.
🚀 Enhancement
- #84 Make Redis experimental (@piotrmiskiewicz)
- #82 Migrate docs (@aszecowka)
- #80 Create AWS broker bundle (@polskikiel)
🐛 Bug Fix
- #85 Fix dead links (@klaudiagrz)
Committers: 4
- Adam Szecówka (@aszecowka)
- Klaudia Grzondziel (@klaudiagrz)
- Piotr Miśkiewicz (@piotrmiskiewicz)
- Michał Kempski (@polskikiel)