Pre-releaseLocal Kyma installation
Use the following command to run Kubernetes locally via Minikube:
$ ./installation/scripts/minikube.sh --domain "kyma.local" --vm-driver "hyperkit"
Kyma installation requires increased permissions granted by the cluster-admin role. To bind the role to the default ServiceAccount, run the following command:
$ kubectl apply -f ./installation/resources/default-sa-rbac-role.yaml
Wait until the kube-dns
Pod is ready. Run this script to setup Tiller:
$ ./installation/scripts/install-tiller.sh
Configure the Kyma installation using the local configuration file:
$ kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kyma-project/kyma/releases/download/0.5-rc2/kyma-config-local.yaml
To trigger the installation process, label the kyma-installation
custom resource:
$ kubectl label installation/kyma-installation action=install
Track progress of the installation using the following script:
$ ./installation/scripts/is-installed.sh
Installation on Google Kubernetes Engine
Make sure that you have
tool installed. Set environment variables for your Google project identifier and your cluster name. You can keep your demo cluster name but your Google project identifier must be changed. Then you can spin up the cluster:export CLUSTER_NAME=demo export PROJECT=YOUR_PROJECT_ID gcloud beta container --project "$PROJECT" clusters \ create "$CLUSTER_NAME" --zone "europe-west1-b" \ --cluster-version "1.10.7-gke.11" --machine-type "n1-standard-2" \ --addons HorizontalPodAutoscaling,HttpLoadBalancing,KubernetesDashboard
Install Tiller:
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kyma-project/kyma/0.5-rc2/installation/resources/tiller.yaml
Download the release and replace the placeholders with the proper values. The placeholders are the upper case variables surrounded by double underscore, such as
. These are the mandatory values to change:__DOMAIN__
which specifies your domain, for examplekyma.example.com
which is a PEM format, base64-encoded TLS certifcate.__TLS_KEY__
which is a base64-encoded TLS private key.
If you don't know how to set other values, replace them with an empty string.
You can use this script to set only three mandatory values:
export DOMAIN=kyma.example.com export TLS_CERT=base64_PEM_TLS_certificate export TLS_KEY=base64_TLS_private_key cat kyma-config-cluster.yaml | sed -e "s/__DOMAIN__/$DOMAIN/g" |sed -e "s/__TLS_CERT__/$TLS_CERT/g" | sed -e "s/__TLS_KEY__/$TLS_KEY/g" |sed -e "s/__.*__//g" >my-kyma.yaml
As a result, you get the
file which you can deploy on the GKE cluster. -
Configure kubectl to use your new cluster, add yourself as the cluster admin, and deploy Kyma installer with your configuration.
gcloud container clusters get-credentials $CLUSTER_NAME --zone europe-west1-b --project $PROJECT kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=$(gcloud config get-value account) kubectl apply -f my-kyma.yaml
Check if
Pods are up and running. Start the installation process with this command:kubectl label installation/kyma-installation action=install
Watch installation progress:
kubectl logs -n kyma-installer [kyma-installer-pod] -f
Configure DNS for two load balancers created by the Kyma installation, which are istio-ingressgateway and core-nginx-ingress-controller. You need the following DNS records:
*.kyma.example.com A EXTERNAL_PUBLIC_IP
gateway.kyma.example.com A REMOTE_ENV_IP
You can use this script to get external IP addresses for load balancers:
export EXTERNAL_PUBLIC_IP=$(kubectl get service -n istio-system istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}") export REMOTE_ENV_IP=$(kubectl get service -n kyma-system application-connector-nginx-ingress-controller -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}") gcloud dns --project=$PROJECT record-sets transaction start --zone=$DNS_ZONE gcloud dns --project=$PROJECT record-sets transaction add $EXTERNAL_PUBLIC_IP --name=\*.$DOMAIN. --ttl=60 --type=A --zone=$DNS_ZONE gcloud dns --project=$PROJECT record-sets transaction add $REMOTE_ENV_IP --name=\gateway.$DOMAIN. --ttl=60 --type=A --zone=$DNS_ZONE gcloud dns --project=$PROJECT record-sets transaction execute --zone=$DNS_ZONE
Application Connector
- #1607 Cluster overrides allow skipping TLS verification in Application Connector tests (@franpog859)
- #1590 Connector test skip verify (@Szymongib)
- #1486 Support self-signed certificate in the testsof Application Connector components (@franpog859)
- #1468 Add scripts to run acceptance tests on Minikube (@Szymongib)
- #1473 Update Remote Environment Client (@Szymongib)
- #1340 Added Helm hook for kyma-integration namespace installation (@Szymongib)
- #1432 Update nginx-ingress-controller name (@tomekpapiernik)
- #1250 #529 Updating Remote Environment Controller and Remote Environments charts (@akgalwas)
- #1196 Rename gateway (@akgalwas)
- #1228 #529 Renaming gateway to proxy service in remote-environment-controller (@akgalwas)
- #1413 Bump version of RE Controller (@Szymongib)
- #1309 Application Connector getting started tutorials (@Szymongib)
- #1333 Update RE client in RE Controller (@Szymongib)
- #1385 Assign crabtree in connector, metadata and remote environemnts (@crabtree)
- #1349 Remove YAML definition for registering REB as ClusterServiceBroker (@mszostok)
- #1335 Add Application Connector to cluster installation (@Szymongib)
- #1153 Prepare Application Connector for Modularisation (@janmedrek)
- #1324 Added different limits for Nginx-Ingress on local and on cluster (@Szymongib)
- #1317 Fix RE installation on cluster (@Szymongib)
- #1212 Bump REB and acceptance test (@polskikiel)
- #1019 Remote Environments installation cleanup (@Szymongib)
- #1301 Increase Minio memory limit for cluster installation (@pkosiec)
- #1164 Make REB namespaced only (@polskikiel)
- #1286 Update Application Connector documentation (@tomekpapiernik)
- #1278 Fix Connector Service Tests chart (@Szymongib)
- #1241 Adding a possibility to skip SSL certificateverification in Connector Service acceptance tests (@lszymik)
- #1258 Bump Remote Environment Controller tests (@Szymongib)
- #1058 Improve error messages returned from the Metadata Service (@franpog859)
- #1217 Added RE Controller test for setting access-label (@Szymongib)
- #1246 Application Connector CRD desc. update + fixes (@tomekpapiernik)
- #836 Make the Application Connector documentation more clear (@lszymik)
- #1213 Bump ui-api and ui-api-acceptance version (@polskikiel)
- #1207 Bumped version of Remote Environment Controller (@Szymongib)
- #1055 Create mutations for RemoteEnvironment (@polskikiel)
- #1183 Setting Access Label in RE Controller (@Szymongib)
- #1192 Enable Source-Id as a header field (@abbi-gaurav)
- #1142 Bumped tags of AC components and Docs (@Szymongib)
- #1041 Fix error checking in Metadata Service (@franpog859)
- #894 Connector service returns signed cert togetherwith root CA cert (#670) (@Maladie)
- #1098 Remove Echo Service from Application Connector (@Szymongib)
- #1116 Bumped Remote Environment Controller and Metadata Service Tests (@Szymongib)
- #1039 Removing the references to the Swagger Editor (@lszymik)
- #942 Improved retries in Metadata Service Tests (@Szymongib)
- #985 Enable dynamic versioning (@Szymongib)
- #1505 Bump kubeless test client image (@rakesh-garimella)
- #1498 Get kubeless logs (@rakesh-garimella)
- #1399 Update rules in test kubeless (@venturasr)
- #1384 Change logFatal's condition when the there is an attempt to delete th… (@venturasr)
- #1293 Bump lambdaui image (@sayanh)
- #1313 update test kubeless image version (@venturasr)
Service Catalog
- #1536 Use new Helm-Broker version - multiple repository URLs (@piotrmiskiewicz)
- #1441 Bump BUC version (@polskikiel)
- #1483 Multiple repository url (@piotrmiskiewicz)
- #1472 Fix ownerReference adding in BUC (@polskikiel)
- #1437 Bump ui-api-acceptance tests image (@magicmatatjahu)
- #1475 Fix helm-broker test for bundle conversion (@mszostok)
- #1444 Add support for defining labels in Helm Broker bundles (@mszostok)
- #1331 Create chart for brokers view (@polskikiel)
- #1418 Update Helm Broker component version, documentation and parameter (@jasiu001)
- #1390 Create an ownerReference in SBUsage to SB (@polskikiel)
- #1431 Support bindingCreateParameterSchema field in ClusterServicePlan (@magicmatatjahu)
- #1400 Bump the core acceptance test image (@mszostok)
- #1387 Change Helm Broker configuration method (@jasiu001)
- #1411 Make the teardown timeout configurable (@mszostok)
- #1386 Add business metrics from Service Catalog manager (@mszostok)
- #1381 Fix acceptance test after introduction ns-scoped REB (@mszostok)
- #1323 Bump catalog-ui, ui-api, ui-api-acceptance tests and ui-acceptance tests (@magicmatatjahu)
- #1334 Change bundle base URL in Helm Broker chart (@mszostok)
- #1256 Support labels field in serviceClass and clusterServiceClass queries (@magicmatatjahu)
- #1212 Bump REB and acceptance test (@polskikiel)
- #1301 Increase Minio memory limit for cluster installation (@pkosiec)
- #1300 Improve logging - make it more compacted (@piotrmiskiewicz)
- #1164 Make REB namespaced only (@polskikiel)
- #1259 Bump Helm Broker version, make Helm Broker more resilient (@piotrmiskiewicz)
- #1180 Make Helm-Broker more resilient (@piotrmiskiewicz)
- #1227 Bump helm-broker version (@mszostok)
- #1226 Improve the bundle checker (@mszostok)
- #1210 Change the policy for chart directory in bundle (@mszostok)
- #1178 Changing version of Binding Usage Controllercomponent (@jasiu001)
- #1132 Add namespaced ui-api-acceptance tests (@magicmatatjahu)
- #1166 Remove unused kubernetes informer (@jasiu001)
- #1010 Configure helm-broker repository baseURL to github pages, remove embedded reposerver (@piotrmiskiewicz)
- #1102 Update the Service Catalog documentation to include namespaced resources (@kazydek)
- #1020 Bump service-catalog to 0.1.34 (@piotrmiskiewicz)
- #1100 Update chart.yaml for service-catalog/etcd-stateful chart (@mwieczorek)
- #1510 Upgrade Minio chart (@pkosiec)
- #1404 Add Ark monitoring (@mwieczorek)
- #1236 Console enable http with redirect to https (@maxmarkus)
- #1229 Add deprovision gke cluster script (@crabtree)
- #1189 Document stability-checker (@aszecowka)
- #1215 Fix cluster installation with kyma-installer(@crabtree)
- #1205 Add gke provision script (@crabtree)
- #1201 Bump stability-checker version (@mszostok)
- #1129 Change Stability Checker regexp and improve testing.sh (@mszostok)
- #1072 Adjust memory configuration for helm test (@aszecowka)
- #1171 Disable dynamic versioning from Stability Checker (@polskikiel)
- #1108 Add support for url param in fetch-components-versions (@crabtree)
- #1405 update event-bus version and add readme to describe subscription crd updates (@marcobebway)
- #1057 React to subscriptions updates (@radufa)
- #1318 Use NATS Streaming service object name instead of the HOST env var (@Abd4llA)
- #1312 Update event-bus version (@marcobebway)
- #1252 Include the namespace in the subscription durable name (@marcobebway)
- #1277 Document Subscription custom resource (@abbi-gaurav)
- #1247 Update event-bus component and tests versions (@marcobebway)
- #1223 Align event-bus integration tests (@abbi-gaurav)
- #1211 Fix push test not running when running "maketest" (@abbi-gaurav)
- #1209 Update nats-streaming and event-bus images (@marcobebway)
- #1117 Upgrade to NATS Streaming 0.11.0 (@montaro)
- #1203 Kyma-1048 Update image for event bus (@abbi-gaurav)
- #1192 Enable Source-Id as a header field (@abbi-gaurav)
- #1143 Update golang-buildpack for Event Bus to 0.0.9 (@Abd4llA)
- #972 Add tracing troubleshooting scenario (@Abd4llA)
- #1533 Remove dex github connector documentation - duplicate (@tomekpapiernik)
- #1245 Use tool enabling static users generation for Dex (@kubadz)
- #1235 Add tool enabling static users generation for Dex (@kubadz)
- #1036 Make all TLS certs secrets (@sjanota)
- #1297 Copy template for security issues (@franpog859)
- #1219 Update authorization and authentication flowdetails + change component name to "security" (@tomekpapiernik)
- #981 Provide documentation for IDPPreset Custom Resource (@kubadz)
- #1240 Change TLS cert name in RE controller (@sjanota)
- #1225 Fix cluster name flag (@sjanota)
- #1099 Add apiserver proxy component to release jenkinsfile (@kubadz)
Service Mesh
- #1509 Add "Install Kyma with custom Istio deployment" docs (@tomekpapiernik)
- #1451 Bump image of api-controller after hostname fix (@kubadz)
- #1450 Fix creating and updating hostnames in Api controller (@kubadz)
- #1435 Use api-controller with fixed consumption (@sjanota)
- #1380 Use images built with destination.service.host (@sjanota)
- #1391 Add docs regarding istio patch (@sjanota)
- #1362 Change deprecated destination.service to destination.service.host (@sjanota)
- #1373 Restart ingressgateway pod during istio-patch (@piotrmsc)
- #1231 Bump istio-kyma-patch image (@sjanota)
- #1085 Add istio-kyma-patch back (@sjanota)
- #1107 Add memory limits for local pilot (@sjanota)
- #1101 Give mixer more memory on cluster (@sjanota)
- #1569 Installer image bump (@Tomasz-Smelcerz-SAP)
- #1541 Installer retry on error (@Tomasz-Smelcerz-SAP)
- #1539 Fix bugs in charts (@Tomasz-Smelcerz-SAP)
- #1551 Add script for kyma-installer artifacts generation (@crabtree)
- #1547 Add kyma-installer for a release (@crabtree)
- #1538 Remove installer version arg in kyma-installer pipeline (@crabtree)
- #1304 Installation docu (@strekm)
- #1382 Installer image bump (@Tomasz-Smelcerz-SAP)
- #1289 Fix component overrides (@Tomasz-Smelcerz-SAP)
- #1351 Change PS scripts to use kyma-installer image (@crabtree)
- #1311 Fix command in gke installation doc (@mwieczorek)
- #1248 Installer image hardening (@kfurgol)
- #1229 Add deprovision gke cluster script (@crabtree)
- #1085 Add istio-kyma-patch back (@sjanota)
- #1215 Fix cluster installation with kyma-installer(@crabtree)
- #1205 Add gke provision script (@crabtree)
- #1182 Local installation on kyma installer (@strekm)
- #1194 Added dockerignore file (@strekm)
- #1083 GKE installation guide (@pbochynski)
- #1157 Update helm version in docs (@strekm)
- #1133 Upgrade golang-buildpack (@Tomasz-Smelcerz-SAP)
- #1130 Bump installer version (@strekm)
- #1063 Installer update action not using reuse values (@strekm)
- #1107 Add memory limits for local pilot (@sjanota)
- #1108 Add support for url param in fetch-components-versions (@crabtree)
- #1106 Fix for RQ and LR in kyma-system (@strekm)
- #1104 Enable versioning in environments tests (@crabtree)
- #1531 Enable webhook configuration in alertmanager(@venturasr)
- #1503 Adjust alert rule to monitor all pods in *-system namespace (@joek)
- #1463 Set as default http-metrics instead of https-metrics for exporter-kubelets (@venturasr)
- #1195 Prometheus: maintain data across deploymentsand version upgrades (@PK85)
- #1314 Remove logging chart from core and make ita standalone component (@venturasr)
- #958 Alerting oklog (@rakesh-garimella)
- #1187 Bump test-logging version (@aszecowka)
- #1355 upgrade jaeger version and add documentationfor trace comparison (@marcobebway)
- #1208 Add Information about tags in event tracing (@abbi-gaurav)
- #1175 Add troubleshooting details for event tracing (@abbi-gaurav)
- #1143 Update golang-buildpack for Event Bus to 0.0.9 (@Abd4llA)
- #972 Add tracing troubleshooting scenario (@Abd4llA)
- #1074 Closes #989 Multiple request in same trace (@abbi-gaurav)
- #1513 Add subscriptions for Remote Environments (@dariadomagala)
- #1354 Documentation for microfrontends (@kwiatekus)
- #1454 Integrate Websocket usage for Instances UI (@pkosiec)
- #1449 Handle 422 error in ui-api (@polskikiel)
- #1409 Modify subscriptions for ServiceBinding and ServiceBindingUsage resources (@pkosiec)
- #1437 Bump ui-api-acceptance tests image (@magicmatatjahu)
- #1434 Stop using Tiller in ui-api-acceptance tests(@magicmatatjahu)
- #1331 Create chart for brokers view (@polskikiel)
- #1442 Bump UI API Layer and Instances UI images (@pkosiec)
- #1421 Improve list views in the Console UI (@kwiatekus)
- #1350 Fix Websocket connections to UI API Layer (@pkosiec)
- #1323 Bump catalog-ui, ui-api, ui-api-acceptance tests and ui-acceptance tests (@magicmatatjahu)
- #840 Multi view microfrontends (@maxmarkus)
- #1236 Console enable http with redirect to https (@maxmarkus)
- #1124 Adding console title and logoUrl to installer overrides (@kwiatekus)
- #1213 Bump ui-api and ui-api-acceptance version (@polskikiel)
- #1055 Create mutations for RemoteEnvironment (@polskikiel)
- #1190 Bump ui-api-acceptance version (@polskikiel)
- #1197 Fix service instance name generator (@michal-hudy)
- #1186 Fix ui-api-acceptance test (@polskikiel)
- #1170 Bump ui-api-acceptance tests image (@magicmatatjahu)
- #1159 Enable UI Acceptance Tests (@michal-hudy)
- #1165 Bump Instances and Catalog UIs (@pkosiec)
- #1132 Add namespaced ui-api-acceptance tests (@magicmatatjahu)
- #1120 Change domain and remove unnecessary field for IDPPresets (@dariadomagala)
- #1109 Change package from ui to authentication (@dariadomagala)
- #1532 Bump documentation image version (@tomekpapiernik)
- #1354 Documentation for microfrontends (@kwiatekus)
- #1483 Multiple repository url (@piotrmiskiewicz)
- #1533 Remove dex github connector documentation - duplicate (@tomekpapiernik)
- #1509 Add "Install Kyma with custom Istio deployment" docs (@tomekpapiernik)
- #1310 Fixes for documentation of installation on GKE (@ivanmalamen)
- #1448 Getting started for Service Catalog about registering a broker (@klaudiagrz)
- #1496 Update the documentation image (@kazydek)
- #1345 Update REB documentation (@klaudiagrz)
- #1434 Stop using Tiller in ui-api-acceptance tests(@magicmatatjahu)
- #1455 Update installation documents with the Installation matadata type (@kazydek)
- #1432 Update nginx-ingress-controller name (@tomekpapiernik)
- #1428 Add minor fixes (@kazydek)
- #1417 Add "Security" to Kyma components list. (@tomekpapiernik)
- #1304 Installation docu (@strekm)
- #1309 Application Connector getting started tutorials (@Szymongib)
- #1391 Add docs regarding istio patch (@sjanota)
- #1374 Add information on how to access ApplicationConnector from local Kyma deployment (@tomekpapiernik)
- #1323 Bump catalog-ui, ui-api, ui-api-acceptance tests and ui-acceptance tests (@magicmatatjahu)
- #1330 Update docs-job chart to finalize "Security"component name change (@tomekpapiernik)
- #1346 Correct "ybundles" into "bundles" (@klaudiagrz)
- #1243 Provide clear development guide (@aerfio)
- #1297 Copy template for security issues (@franpog859)
- #1219 Update authorization and authentication flowdetails + change component name to "security" (@tomekpapiernik)
- #1311 Fix command in gke installation doc (@mwieczorek)
- #1307 Fix the dead link (@kazydek)
- #1291 Bump documentation image version (@tomekpapiernik)
- #1164 Make REB namespaced only (@polskikiel)
- #1286 Update Application Connector documentation (@tomekpapiernik)
- #1282 Modify docs after installer cleanup (@kfurgol)
- #1277 Document Subscription custom resource (@abbi-gaurav)
- #981 Provide documentation for IDPPreset Custom Resource (@kubadz)
- #444 Add GoReport badge (@mjasinski5)
- #1180 Make Helm-Broker more resilient (@piotrmiskiewicz)
- #1244 Add new user to CODEOWNERS (@jasiu001)
- #1189 Document stability-checker (@aszecowka)
- #1246 Application Connector CRD desc. update + fixes (@tomekpapiernik)
- #1237 Update link in
Readme.md and and update milv.config.yaml (@magicmatatjahu) - #1234 Fix 404s and add a link to MILV whitelist (@tomekpapiernik)
- #836 Make the Application Connector documentation more clear (@lszymik)
- #1221 Update EventActivation CR (@klaudiagrz)
- #1208 Add Information about tags in event tracing (@abbi-gaurav)
- #1175 Add troubleshooting details for event tracing (@abbi-gaurav)
- #1083 GKE installation guide (@pbochynski)
- #1174 Remove ASCII art from chart README.md documents (@kazydek)
- #1128 Add the "Related resources" section to the already existing CRs (@klaudiagrz)
- #1176 Update the documentation image (@kazydek)
- #1157 Update helm version in docs (@strekm)
- #972 Add tracing troubleshooting scenario (@Abd4llA)
- #1118 Update the CODEOWNERS file (@kazydek)
- #1102 Update the Service Catalog documentation to include namespaced resources (@kazydek)
- #1040 Generate changelog during release pipeline (@pkosiec)
- #1039 Removing the references to the Swagger Editor (@lszymik)
- #1325 Disable external links validation on master (@magicmatatjahu)
- #1315 Add aerfio to CODEOWNERS (@pkosiec)
- #1075 Enable external links validation on PRs (@magicmatatjahu)
- #1173 Update CODEOWNERS for values.yaml file in
chart (@pkosiec)
- #1602 Add github id function in release pipeline (@crabtree)
- #1601 Split release pipeline (@crabtree)
- #1599 Disable release integration tests (@crabtree)
- #1570 Add support for integration testing on cluster for a release (@crabtree)
- #1549 Add Kyma integration test scripts for the Prow job (@suleymanakbas91)
- #1567 Enable whole release pipeline (@crabtree)
- #1566 Cleanup in release creation stage (@crabtree)
- #1565 Remove changelog generation during release (@crabtree)
- #1564 Fix release creation script issue (@crabtree)
- #1563 Enable automatic release creation on github (@crabtree)
- #1561 Fix copyArtifacts call in release.Jenkinsfile (@crabtree)
- #1560 Move copyArtifacts to node definition (@crabtree)
- #1559 Add kyma-installer artifacts to release pipeline (@crabtree)
- #1557 Include kyma-installer-artifacts in release pipeline (@crabtree)
- #1555 Fix push dir in kyma-installer artifacts (@crabtree)
- #1554 Archive kyma-installer artifacts (@crabtree)
- #1553 Add missing registry path in artifacts.Jenkinsfile (@crabtree)
- #1552 Add kyma-installer artifacts jenkinsfile (@crabtree)
- #1551 Add script for kyma-installer artifacts generation (@crabtree)
- #1547 Add kyma-installer for a release (@crabtree)
- #1342 Fix usagekind test on ui api (@polskikiel)
- #1425 Add prow presubmit configuration for ui-api-layer (@michal-hudy)
- #1452 Prow scripts for provision/deprovision gke cluster (@strekm)
- #1325 Disable external links validation on master (@magicmatatjahu)
- #1298 Refactor release pipeline to call release jobs (@crabtree)
- #1288 Update milv config to unblock master becauseof failing goreport page (@derberg)
- #1260 Stability checker - fix path for testing script. (@aszecowka)
- #1229 Add deprovision gke cluster script (@crabtree)
- #1215 Fix cluster installation with kyma-installer(@crabtree)
- #1205 Add gke provision script (@crabtree)
- #1201 Bump stability-checker version (@mszostok)
- #1179 Fix dep configuration in pipelines part 3 (@michal-hudy)
- #1167 Fix dep configuration in pipelines part 2 (@michal-hudy)
- #1177 Fix dep configuration in pipelines part 1 (@michal-hudy)
- #1194 Added dockerignore file (@strekm)
- #1072 Adjust memory configuration for helm test (@aszecowka)
- #1075 Enable external links validation on PRs (@magicmatatjahu)
- #1171 Disable dynamic versioning from Stability Checker (@polskikiel)
- #1172 Update PR build pipeline to skip integrationfor docs changes (@lilitgh)
- #1140 Remove dynamic versioning from pipeline (@suleymanakbas91)
- #1134 Upgrade golang-buildpack (@Tomasz-Smelcerz-SAP)
- #1133 Upgrade golang-buildpack (@Tomasz-Smelcerz-SAP)
- #1040 Generate changelog during release pipeline (@pkosiec)
- #1122 Upgrade 'golang-buildpack' for UI API Layer (@pkosiec)
- #1108 Add support for url param in fetch-components-versions (@crabtree)
- #1104 Enable versioning in environments tests (@crabtree)
Committers: 46
- Adam Szecówka (@aszecowka)
- Ahmed Abdalla (@Abd4llA)
- Ahmed ElRefaey Hamouda (@montaro)
- Arkadiusz Galwas (@akgalwas)
- Daria Domagała (@dariadomagala)
- Franciszek Pogodziński (@franpog859)
- Gaurav Abbi (@abbi-gaurav)
- Ivan Malamen (@ivanmalamen)
- Jakub Dziechciewicz (@kubadz)
- Jakub Kabza (@jakkab)
- Jan Mędrek (@janmedrek)
- Johannes Engelke (@joek)
- Karolina Zydek (@kazydek)
- Klaudia Grzondziel (@klaudiagrz)
- Krystian Cieślik (@crabtree)
- Krzysztof (@kwiatekus)
- Lilit Ghazaryan (@lilitgh)
- Lukasz Gornicki (@derberg)
- Lukasz Szymik (@lszymik)
- Maciej Urbańczyk (@magicmatatjahu)
- Marco Bebway (@marcobebway)
- Mariusz Szymański (@Maladie)
- Markus (@maxmarkus)
- Mateusz Puczyński (@aerfio)
- Mateusz Szostok (@mszostok)
- Michal Kempski (@polskikiel)
- Michał Hudy (@michal-hudy)
- Michał Wieczorek (@mwieczorek)
- Paweł Kosiec (@pkosiec)
- Piotr (@pbochynski)
- Piotr Jasiak (@jasiu001)
- Piotr Kopczyński (@PK85)
- Piotr Miśkiewicz (@piotrmiskiewicz)
- Piotr Mścichowski (@piotrmsc)
- Radu Fantaziu (@radufa)
- Rakesh Garimella (@rakesh-garimella)
- Sayan Hazra (@sayanh)
- Suleyman Akbas (@suleymanakbas91)
- Szymon Gibała (@Szymongib)
- Szymon Janota (@sjanota)
- Tomasz Papiernik (@tomekpapiernik)
- Tomasz Smelcerz (@Tomasz-Smelcerz-SAP)
- Ventura Santiago (@venturasr)
- @kfurgol
- @mjasinski5
- @strekm