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Releases: lacework-dev/scripts

vCPU Mac lw-inventory

18 Oct 21:59
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Log into the aws CLI before running the inventory app

Basic usage

./lw-inventory aws

Using a profile (sso profile works as well)

./lw-inventory aws --profile myprofile

Specifying a region

./lw-inventory aws --region us-east-1

Show debug output (useful to see more details)

./lw-inventory aws -d


Log into the gcloud CLI before running the inventory app

Basic usage

./lw-inventory gcp

List of projects to ignore, comma separated

./lw-inventory gcp --projects-to-ignore <projets to ignore>

Use a credentials JSON file

./lw-inventory gcp --credentials <path to JSON file>

Show debug output (useful to see more details)

./lw-inventory gcp -d


Log into the az CLI before running the inventory app

Basic usage

./lw-inventory azure

List of subscriptions to ignore, comma separated

./lw-inventory azure --ignore-subscriptions <your subscription ID or name>

Show debug output (useful to see more details)

./lw-inventory azure -d

Include specific locations (regions), comma separated

./lw-inventory azure --include-locations eastus,westus

Exclude specific locations (regions), comma separated

./lw-inventory azure --exclude-locations eastus,westus

vCPU Windows lw-inventory

11 Apr 15:14
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Log into the aws CLI before running the inventory app

Basic usage

.\lw-inventory.exe aws

Using a profile (sso profile works as well)

.\lw-inventory.exe aws --profile myprofile

Specifying a region

.\lw-inventory.exe aws --region us-east-1

Show debug output (useful to see more details)

.\lw-inventory.exe aws -d


Log into the gcloud CLI before running the inventory app

Basic usage

.\lw-inventory.exe gcp

List of projects to ignore, comma separated

.\lw-inventory.exe gcp --projects-to-ignore <projets to ignore>

Use a credentials JSON file

.\lw-inventory.exe gcp --credentials <path to JSON file>

Show debug output (useful to see more details)

.\lw-inventory.exe gcp -d


Log into the az CLI before running the inventory app

Basic usage

.\lw-inventory.exe azure

List of subscriptions to ignore, comma separated

.\lw-inventory.exe azure --ignore-subscriptions <your subscription ID or name>

Show debug output (useful to see more details)

.\lw-inventory.exe azure -d

vCPU Mac lw-inventory

11 Apr 14:54
Choose a tag to compare



Log into the aws CLI before running the inventory app

Basic usage

./lw-inventory aws

Using a profile (sso profile works as well)

./lw-inventory aws --profile myprofile

Specifying a region

./lw-inventory aws --region us-east-1

Show debug output (useful to see more details)

./lw-inventory aws -d


Log into the gcloud CLI before running the inventory app

Basic usage

./lw-inventory gcp

List of projects to ignore, comma separated

./lw-inventory gcp --projects-to-ignore <projets to ignore>

Use a credentials JSON file

./lw-inventory gcp --credentials <path to JSON file>

Show debug output (useful to see more details)

./lw-inventory gcp -d


Log into the az CLI before running the inventory app

Basic usage

./lw-inventory azure

List of subscriptions to ignore, comma separated

./lw-inventory azure --ignore-subscriptions <your subscription ID or name>

Show debug output (useful to see more details)

./lw-inventory azure -d

vCPU Linux lw-inventory

11 Apr 15:22
Choose a tag to compare



Log into the aws CLI before running the inventory app

Basic usage

./lw-inventory aws

Using a profile (sso profile works as well)

./lw-inventory aws --profile myprofile

Specifying a region

./lw-inventory aws --region us-east-1

Show debug output (useful to see more details)

./lw-inventory aws -d


Log into the gcloud CLI before running the inventory app

Basic usage

./lw-inventory gcp

List of projects to ignore, comma separated

./lw-inventory gcp --projects-to-ignore <projets to ignore>

Use a credentials JSON file

./lw-inventory gcp --credentials <path to JSON file>

Show debug output (useful to see more details)

./lw-inventory gcp -d


Log into the az CLI before running the inventory app

Basic usage

./lw-inventory azure

List of subscriptions to ignore, comma separated

./lw-inventory azure --ignore-subscriptions <your subscription ID or name>

Show debug output (useful to see more details)

./lw-inventory azure -d

vCPU Windows lw-inventory

30 Jan 17:11
Choose a tag to compare



Log into the aws CLI before running the inventory app

Basic usage

.\lw-inventory.exe aws

Using a profile (sso profile works as well)

.\lw-inventory.exe aws --profile myprofile

Specifying a region

.\lw-inventory.exe aws --region us-east-1

Show debug output (useful to see more details)

.\lw-inventory.exe aws -d


Log into the gcloud CLI before running the inventory app

Basic usage

.\lw-inventory.exe gcp

List of projects to ignore, comma separated

.\lw-inventory.exe gcp --projects-to-ignore <projets to ignore>

Use a credentials JSON file

.\lw-inventory.exe gcp --credentials <path to JSON file>

Show debug output (useful to see more details)

.\lw-inventory.exe gcp -d


Log into the az CLI before running the inventory app

Basic usage

.\lw-inventory.exe azure

List of subscriptions to ignore, comma separated

.\lw-inventory.exe azure --ignore-subscriptions <your subscription ID or name>

Show debug output (useful to see more details)

.\lw-inventory.exe azure -d

vCPU Mac lw-inventory

30 Jan 17:14
Choose a tag to compare


Rename either lw-inventory-mac or lw-inventory-linux to lw-inventory


Log into the aws CLI before running the inventory app

Basic usage

./lw-inventory aws

Using a profile (sso profile works as well)

./lw-inventory aws --profile myprofile

Specifying a region

./lw-inventory aws --region us-east-1

Show debug output (useful to see more details)

./lw-inventory aws -d


Log into the gcloud CLI before running the inventory app

Basic usage

./lw-inventory gcp

List of projects to ignore, comma separated

./lw-inventory gcp --projects-to-ignore <projets to ignore>

Use a credentials JSON file

./lw-inventory gcp --credentials <path to JSON file>

Show debug output (useful to see more details)

./lw-inventory gcp -d


Log into the az CLI before running the inventory app

Basic usage

./lw-inventory azure

List of subscriptions to ignore, comma separated

./lw-inventory azure --ignore-subscriptions <your subscription ID or name>

Show debug output (useful to see more details)

./lw-inventory azure -d

vCPU Linux lw-inventory

30 Jan 17:17
Choose a tag to compare


Rename either lw-inventory-mac or lw-inventory-linux to lw-inventory


Log into the aws CLI before running the inventory app

Basic usage

./lw-inventory aws

Using a profile (sso profile works as well)

./lw-inventory aws --profile myprofile

Specifying a region

./lw-inventory aws --region us-east-1

Show debug output (useful to see more details)

./lw-inventory aws -d


Log into the gcloud CLI before running the inventory app

Basic usage

./lw-inventory gcp

List of projects to ignore, comma separated

./lw-inventory gcp --projects-to-ignore <projets to ignore>

Use a credentials JSON file

./lw-inventory gcp --credentials <path to JSON file>

Show debug output (useful to see more details)

./lw-inventory gcp -d


Log into the az CLI before running the inventory app

Basic usage

./lw-inventory azure

List of subscriptions to ignore, comma separated

./lw-inventory azure --ignore-subscriptions <your subscription ID or name>

Show debug output (useful to see more details)

./lw-inventory azure -d

Mac lw-inventory

19 Jan 18:04
Choose a tag to compare


Rename either lw-inventory-mac or lw-inventory-linux to lw-inventory


Log into the aws CLI before running the inventory app

Basic usage

./lw-inventory aws

Using a profile (sso profile works as well)

./lw-inventory aws --profile myprofile

Specifying a region

./lw-inventory aws --region us-east-1

Show debug output (useful to see more details)

./lw-inventory aws -d


Log into the gcloud CLI before running the inventory app

Basic usage

./lw-inventory gcp

List of projects to ignore, comma separated

./lw-inventory gcp --projects-to-ignore <projets to ignore>

Use a credentials JSON file

./lw-inventory gcp --credentials <path to JSON file>

Show debug output (useful to see more details)

./lw-inventory gcp -d


Log into the az CLI before running the inventory app

Basic usage

./lw-inventory azure

List of subscriptions to ignore, comma separated

./lw-inventory azure --ignore-subscriptions <your subscription ID or name>

Show debug output (useful to see more details)

./lw-inventory azure -d

Windows lw-inventory

07 Dec 17:34
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Log into the aws CLI before running the inventory app

Basic usage

.\lw-inventory.exe aws

Using a profile (sso profile works as well)

.\lw-inventory.exe aws --profile myprofile

Specifying a region

.\lw-inventory.exe aws --region us-east-1

Show debug output (useful to see more details)

.\lw-inventory.exe aws -d


Log into the gcloud CLI before running the inventory app

Basic usage

.\lw-inventory.exe gcp

List of projects to ignore, comma separated

.\lw-inventory.exe gcp --projects-to-ignore <projets to ignore>

Use a credentials JSON file

.\lw-inventory.exe gcp --credentials <path to JSON file>

Show debug output (useful to see more details)

.\lw-inventory.exe gcp -d


Log into the az CLI before running the inventory app

Basic usage

.\lw-inventory.exe azure

List of subscriptions to ignore, comma separated

.\lw-inventory.exe azure --ignore-subscriptions <your subscription ID or name>

Show debug output (useful to see more details)

.\lw-inventory.exe azure -d

Mac and Linux lw-inventory

07 Dec 17:31
Choose a tag to compare


Rename either lw-inventory-mac or lw-inventory-linux to lw-inventory


Log into the aws CLI before running the inventory app

Basic usage

./lw-inventory aws

Using a profile (sso profile works as well)

./lw-inventory aws --profile myprofile

Specifying a region

./lw-inventory aws --region us-east-1

Show debug output (useful to see more details)

./lw-inventory aws -d


Log into the gcloud CLI before running the inventory app

Basic usage

./lw-inventory gcp

List of projects to ignore, comma separated

./lw-inventory gcp --projects-to-ignore <projets to ignore>

Use a credentials JSON file

./lw-inventory gcp --credentials <path to JSON file>

Show debug output (useful to see more details)

./lw-inventory gcp -d


Log into the az CLI before running the inventory app

Basic usage

./lw-inventory azure

List of subscriptions to ignore, comma separated

./lw-inventory azure --ignore-subscriptions <your subscription ID or name>

Show debug output (useful to see more details)

./lw-inventory azure -d