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Parser for Semantic Release Notes (fallback) v0.3.

Can be used to parse a semantic release notes and to format it to a markdown or html file or environment variable, for use on build sever.




SemanticReleaseNotes [parameters]: parse the default and generates a ReleaseNotes.html

All parameters are optional.


  • -r=<filename>: Release notes file path to parse (default:
  • -o=<filename>: Path of the resulting file (default: ReleaseNotes.html)
  • -t=<file|environment|fileandenvironment>: Type of output (default: file)
    • file generates a file with the name from -o or ReleaseNotes.html by default
    • environment set an environment variable with the name SemanticReleaseNotes and value of the formatted release notes; support build servers
    • fileandenvironment make both of the above
  • -f=<html|markdown>: Format of the resulting file (default: html)
  • -g=<sections|categories>: Defines the grouping of items (default: sections)
  • --template: Path of the liquid template file to format the result ; Overrides type, format and groupby of output
  • --pluralizecategoriestitle: Pluralize categories title; works only with g=categories
  • --includestyle[=<custom style>]: Include style in the html output; if no custom style is provided, the default is used
  • --debug: Add debug messages
  • -h: Help


  • SemanticReleaseNotesConverter class help to parse, format or convert a ReleaseNotes

Third party libraries


Please pick an existing issue, or create one in order to discuss it before you go full ahead.


Just use local-build.ps1.
It will:

  • apply the source format
  • build the projects
  • launch the tests
  • packages all the thing


  1. Generates release notes with or [TODO]
  2. Create and push a new tag based on the template: v[x].[y].[y] => v0.1.0

Icon: Article designed by Stefan Parnarov from The Noun Project.