The Waypoint library lets you create and edit route waypoints.
Name | Type | Mode | Description |
colour | Colour | RW | The route line colour |
item | Item | RW | The item that is the target of the waypoint |
normal | Vector3 | RW | The normal that the waypoint pole is aligned to |
notes | string | RW | Notes for this waypoint |
position | Vector3 | RW | The position that is the target of the waypoint |
randomizer_settings | Table | RW | The randomizer settings for this waypoint (map of string to (boolean , number or string )) |
room | Room | RW | The room that the waypoint is in |
room_number | number | RW | The room number that the waypoint is in |
trigger | Trigger | RW | The trigger that is the target of the waypoint |
type | string | R | One of Item , Trigger , Position . Can be changed by setting item , trigger or position . |
waypoint_colour | Colour | RW | The waypoint pole colour |
Name | Returns | Parameters | Description |
new | Waypoint | { Item item, Trigger trigger, Vector3 position, Vector3 normal, Room room, Sector sector } |
Creates an Item, Trigger or Position waypoint, in that order of precedence. Only one needs to be provided. Normal is optional - if not provided the waypoint will be vertical. Room is required only if using Position. Sector can be used in place of Position to create a mid waypoint. |