The Room library provides information about a room in a level.
Name | Type | Mode | Description |
alternate_mode | string | R | none/has_alternate/is_alternate |
alternate_group | number | R | Flipmap number (TR4+) |
alternate_room | Room | R | Alternate room or nil if not present |
cameras_and_sinks | CameraSink[] | R | Camera/Sinks in the room |
items | Item[] | R | Items in the room, no NG+ swap |
items_ng | Item[] | R | Items in the room, NG+ swap |
flags | number | R | Room flags |
level | Level | R | The level that the room is in |
lights | Light[] | R | Lights in the room |
number | number | R | Room number |
num_x_sectors | number | R | Number of sectors in the x dimension |
num_z_sectors | number | R | Number of sectors in the z dimension |
position | Vector3 | R | World position of the room |
sectors | Sector[] | R | Sectors in the room |
static_meshes | StaticMesh[] | R | Static meshes in the room |
triggers | Trigger[] | R | Triggers in the room |
visible | boolean | RW | Whether the room is visible in the viewer |
Name | Returns | Parameters | Description |
sector | Sector | number x, number y | Gets the sector at the x and z indices, 1 based |
has_flag | boolean | Flags flag | Check whether the flag pattern passed in matches the room flags - uses bitwise and operation |
Name | Value |
Water | 0x1 |
Bit1 | 0x2 |
Bit2 | 0x4 |
Outside | 0x8 |
Bit4 | 0x10 |
Wind | 0x20 |
Bit6 | 0x40 |
Bit7 | 0x80 |
Quicksand | 0x80 |
NoLensFlare | 0x80 |
Caustics | 0x100 |
WaterReflectivity | 0x200 |
Bit10 | 0x400 |
Bit11 | 0x800 |
Bit12 | 0x1000 |
Bit13 | 0x2000 |
Bit14 | 0x4000 |
Bit15 | 0x8000 |