This will give a high level overview of the process of configuring and running a specific project through the first phase of the Monorail pipeline (the pump
For details, please see the READMEs associated with the various sub-components (e.g.
Nomenclature note: "run" here is used in terms of a single project's instantiation as a Monorail pipeline. To differentiate it from the SRA's base unit of sequencing (also called "run", e.g. identified by an [SED]RR accession), we will slightly abuse the terminology of the SRA by calling all sequencing runs "samples". For the purposes of this document this is acceptable, though not technically true when discussing sequencing in general.
This document assumes that the reader is interested in running the full Monorail pipeline using the management infrastructure typically run in AWS. This is how all the recount3-related runs were processed.
However, if the reader's use case is not to recreate/update recount3/Snaptron2 and their total samples are up to 10's of thousands (versus 100's of thousands), they might be better off looking at the monorail-external repo:
This runs the same containers as this repo, but assumes no management layer running elsewhere (e.g. AWS).
However, the monorail-external repo's README includes more granular details about the pump
workflow itself,
which supplement these instructions no matter what type of run the reader is looking to do.
The monorail-external repo's README covers getting the reference indexes (needed here as well), default settings in the Snakemake for intra-sample parallelism (e.g. 8 cores for the STAR aligner per sample), and exact versions of the aligners used.
The monorail-external repo also includes information on the container and instructions for running the unifier
to aggregate the coverage summaries across the samples aligned with the pump
The unifier
is not covered here, but its repo is:
Monorail revolves around the idea of a project
which defines the following:
- Label/name of a run (e.g. "sra_human_v3")
- Set of sample identifiers (if SRA, this is a list of accessions)
- Monorail docker image name + version to be used for the pipeline
- Species information (name, taxon ID, and reference short name [hg38])
This is stored in the project.ini
file in the projects/<proj_name>/
A working project which also serves as a good example is here:
There is also the projects/<proj_name>/creds/
subdirectory which stores the project-specific settings per-module (e.g. for Globus).
These can be created in a semi-automated way, but typically once one or more projects have been defined by the same person, copying and editing these files between projects is reasonable.
Additionally there are two files (public_conf.ini
and private_conf.ini
) which define organization-wide AWS settings.
The private_conf.ini
as the name implies should not be world-readable.
All settings related files are discussed further at the end of this README.
The set of sample identifiers, either a JSON or more typically text file (compressed), is copied to the project directory on S3. The S3 URL is then referenced in the project.ini file, e.g.:
This will be used to populate the AWS RDS DB for the project with the list of sample identifiers in the "Initializing the Project Model" step.
Each sample is assigned an integer ID which is used to link it between the DB and the SQS queue.
This ID is only for internal tracking during the recount-pump
There are a group of settings files which control how Monorail interacts with the AWS modules (SQS, RDS, Watchtower/CloudWatch), partial examples of these are here:
Conceptually there is the project
level configuration (covered above) and the cluster
level configuration (covered later in this README).
There is usually only one project
level configuration, but there could be more than one cluster
level configuration for the same project
This is a key feature of the grid computing approach.
Once all project
level settings files have been configured, the project needs to be initialized.
Before attempting to run initialization, you need to ensure the Python2.7 used has the needed dependencies.
These are required for both initializtion and running the Python parent process
in the job scripts below.
Assuming you have write access to the Python2.7 in your envionment (either because you're root or more likely you've setup a virtualenv
or are using conda):
pip install -r requirements.txt
where requirements.txt
are in the root of this repo.
NOTE: these are the only dependencies needed when using the recount-pump container.
All the conda-related files are installed within the container itself.
The following scripts should be run from under the project working directory (typically projects/<proj_name>
script will perform the following actions for the project:
- Creation of AWS RDS DB
- Population of AWS RDS DB with sample IDs and reference/annotation data set
- Adds Monorail Docker image name/version to database
- Creation of AWS SQS job queue
- Stage sample IDs as messages in SQS job queue
This information represents the tracked "state" of the project/run.
If there is a problem in the initialization or later in the project run that relates to configuration, it's usually best to start fresh with a new initialization run. This can be done by resetting the project in AWS (DB/SQS) with the
script listed above.
However, problems with individual jobs/samples/nodes can be worked out individually and those jobs requeued w/o having to re-initialize the project as a whole.
Typically, Monorail is run in an HPC environment using Singularity + Conda to ease the pain of dependency management. Monorail can be run outside of containers ("bare metal") but this is not recommended for most cases and is not covered here.
The key settings file for cluster configuration is the cluster.ini
file, detailed at the end of this README.
A partial example is here:
This file also serves as a reference point for which path temporary/output files will be deposited during a run (useful for debugging).
It can also define the within-container mount directories for the external, host paths if this is needed by the specific cluster (e.g. Stampede2 needs to have the container mounts defined, MARCC does not).
Once the project has been initialized, and one or more clusters have been configured, Monorail can be run. This section assumes you're running on a local HPC cluster, but it could be extended to include remote resources on AWS or equivalent.
There are 3 types of entities important in this section:
- Jobs
A job
is an attempt at processing a single sample through Monorail (it could fail)
- Workers
A worker
is the atomic agent of Monorail, it represents a single python process which instantiates a container for each new job
, which in turn runs a Snakemake pipeline within the container. Under normal circumstances, a worker
will continue to run as long as 1) there are job
s on the SQS job
queue and 2) the SQS job
queue is accessible. A worker
runs each job
in sequence, but it can use multiple cores/CPUs within the job
to parallelize tasks such as alignment.
- Nodes
Each node
represents a machine (or VM) allocated, in part or in whole, to Monorail to run one or more worker
s to process job
s. Each allocation of a node
will start a parent python process which will then spawn one or more child worker
To start Monorail running on a node
, typically, a "runner" (batch) script is submitted to the HPC's scheduler (e.g. Slurm) to request allocation of a node
This script will typically set the following:
- HPC scheduler partition/queue to allocate from
- Name of allocation
- Time requested (e.g. 12 hours)
- Hardware resources requested (e.g. 12 cores, 90G memory)
- Account to charge allocation to (if applicable)
- List of
s to exclude (blacklisting, if applicable)
In addition it will setup the environment to start the Monorail parent process on that node
, which includes loading the Singularity module.
And finally it will start the
parent python process with parameters which point to the various .ini
An example of this, which includes a delay at the start of the parent python processes on a node
by up to 6 minutes in the runner script:
rdelay=`perl -e 'print "".int(rand(360));'`
sleep $rdelay
module load singularity/2.6.0
conda activate recount
umask 0077
python /path/to/recount-pump/src/ run --ini-base creds --cluster-ini creds/cluster.ini <proj_name>
The delay is to stagger job
starts to avoid maxing out the globus API rate limits when automatically transferring via Globus, this is not needed if Globus is manually run after a whole run
(tranche) completes.
Globus is not automatically run for Stampede2 or for MARCC (details below).
The following are versions of scripts/configurations that were actually used to run sra_human_v3
, sra_mouse_v1
, tcgav2
and gtexv2
Stampede2 job runner & cluster
config for Skylake (skx-normal
) partition/queue:
During our initial runs on Stampede2, we encountered the API rate limits mentioned above and opted to transfer in bulk after a run/tranche is fully done rather than use Globus automatically.
MARCC job runner & cluster
config for lrgmem
partition/queue using /dev/shm
In the MARCC case, we typically don't transfer the output of runs immediately to another filesystem, though these runs are eventually backed up on JHPCE (or equivalent). This is because runs on MARCC are usually of protected data (TCGA/GTEx) and therefore can't be copied to just anywhere.
This also highlights the need for the following when processing protected runs:
- Non-world readable permissions on all input/output files (
umask 077
) - Encrypted transfers when copying files to another location (e.g. using Globus to backup TCGA/GTEx to JHPCE
Nodes will stop processing for one of 3 reasons:
- The time limit on the node allocation ends
- The job queue is exhausted
- A runtime error causes the parent python process running on the node to prematurely terminate
By far the most common cause for node
stopages is allocation expirations (1st one), since node
allocations are much shorter than what's needed to process a medium-large Monorail run. This will have the effect of stopping job
s in the middle which will need to be restarted. This is expected and these job
s will be visible again on the queue after a pre-defined time period (typically 30 min to 3 hours) controlled by visibility_timeout
in the creds/queue.ini
settings file for the project
If many concurrent attempts are made which end up being successful for a particular job
, this indicates the visibility_timeout
setting for the job
queue is too short and should be elongated.
Also related to this, the max_receive_count
also in creds/queue.ini
, controls how many times a job is attempted before dumping it to the Dead Letter Queue (DLQ). Typically this is 3-6 times, depending on the project, however, in certain cases (SRA) it may be necessary to reduce this to 1-2 to rapidly fail samples which simply won't download.
In the 2nd node
stop case above, the parent process running on the node
will wait until all worker
processes (children) have finished w/o error and then it will finish itself and relinquish the node
. If a child worker
process fails, the parent will start a new worker
process in its place and continue checking worker
This file defines the following:
- Cluster name
- Container system (typically "Singularity")
- Path to Singularity image file
- Input path
- Output path
- Temp path
- Reference file set path
- # of workers (
) - # of cores per worker (
Paths are always absolute. Input/output/temp paths are defined both for the host OS and for the container. The container paths are where the host OS paths are mounted in the container, so they reference the same thing.
The settings below are typically set once for a organization/group and shared between multiple projects
- Profile
- Region
- Subnets
- RDS DB port/DNS
- Confidential AWS RDS DB password