A probabilistic programming language for python built on numpy
To install from PyPI:
pip install arianna-ppl
uv add arianna-ppl
To install the absolute latest version from main
pip install git+https://github.com/lanl/arianna-ppl.git
uv add git+https://github.com/lanl/arianna-ppl.git
Model Specification (linear regression)
from typing import Optional
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import default_rng
from arianna.distributions import Gamma, Normal
from arianna.ppl.context import Context, Predictive
from arianna.ppl.inference import (
# Type annotation are, of course, optional. Provided only for clarity.
def linear_regression(
ctx: Context,
X: np.ndarray,
y: Optional[np.ndarray]=None,
bias: bool=True
) -> None:
_, p = X.shape
beta = ctx.rv("beta", Normal(np.zeros(p), 10))
sigma = ctx.rv("sigma", Gamma(1, 1))
mu = ctx.cached("mu", X @ beta)
if bias:
alpha = ctx.rv("alpha", Normal(0, 10))
mu += alpha
ctx.rv("y", Normal(mu, sigma), obs=y)
Simulate data from Prior Predictive
nobs = 100
rng = np.random.default_rng(0)
# Generate random predictors (X).
X = rng.normal(0, 1, (nobs, 1))
# Simulate from prior predictive using Predictive.
sim_truth = Predictive.run(
linear_regression, # supplied model here.
# since y is None, the returned dictionary will contain y sampled from it's
# predictive distributions.
# Not return cached values, so the sim_truth will contain only parameters
# and y.
# pop y so that sim_truth contains only model parameters.
y = sim_truth.pop("y")
# Now sim_truth is a dict containing ("beta", "sigma", "alpha").
Affine invariant ensemble sampler
aies = AIES(
linear_regression, # model function.
nwalkers=10, # number of walkers.
# Whether or not to transform parameters into unconstrained space.
transform=True, # Set to true when possible.
# Random number generator for reproducibility.
# Provide data.
X=X, y=y,
# Does 3000 steps, with 10 walkers, after burning for 3000, and thins by 1. At
# the end, 3000 = 3000*10 samples will be aggregated from all 10 walkers. Then,
# by default, these samples are passed into an importance sampler to reweight
# the samples, yielding 3000 samples.
chain = aies.fit(nsteps=3000, burn=3000, thin=1)
is an object that contains posterior samples (states).
You can iterate over chain
for state in chain:
print(state) # state is a e.g., dict(alpha=1.3, beta=2.5, sigma=0.6, mu=some_long_array)
break # just print the first one.
You can convert chain
into a large dict with bundle = chain.bundle
which is a dict[str, ndarray]
You can also get the samples directly with chain.samples
Parallel Affine invariant ensemble sampler
Works only in python 3.13t. But 3.13t does not yet work with jupyter
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
paies = ParallelAIES(
linear_regression, # model function.
ThreadPoolExecutor(4) # use 4 cores.
nwalkers=10, # number of walkers.
# Whether or not to transform parameters into unconstrained space.
transform=True, # Set to true when possible.
# Random number generator for reproducibility.
# Provide data.
X=X, y=y,
# Same as non-parallel version, but will be faster in python 3.13t.
# Will be slightly slower than the non-parallel version in GIL enabled python
# builds, i.e. python 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.13.
chain = paies.fit(nsteps=3000, burn=3000, thin=1)
Laplace Approximation
la = LaplaceApproximation(
X=X, y=y,
# The MAP estimate and inverse Hessian are computed via L-BFGS optimization.
# Those estimates are used to construct a MvNormal object. 3000 samples are
# drawn from that resulting MvNormal.
chain = la.fit(nsamples=3000)
Posterior Predictive
rng = default_rng
xnew = np.linspace(-3, 3, 50)
Xnew = xnew.reshape(-1, 1)
ynew = Chain(
linear_regression, state=state, rng=rng, X=Xnew, y=None
for state in chain
See demos.
As of 8 Jan 2025, jupyter
does not work with the threaded (no-gil) version of python
3.13 (3.13t). You can install arianna
with python 3.13 or python 3.13t but
you cannot install jupyter
also. If you must use jupyter
, use python 3.12.
- O4856