Because life is a time-series of heart beats
measures the whole time spent on every project you have and helps you manage time on your projects.
Goal: To become your time-aware assistant. To record even your heart beats.
"Create project" endpoint
Start timer on project
End timer on project
Check total time for day endpoint
Add validation for multiple active timers
Use environment variables for DB DNS
Rotate secrets
Provide custom starting time
Provide custom stopping time
Testing with pytest
Add Google build CI
Make CI push images to GCR
Remove deprecated app
Deploy on GCC
Migrate old data
Web App in VueJS
Deploy to Cloud Run
Finish CD using GCR, Cloud Run, and Cloud Build
Provide meaningful errors
Smart assistant (alexa or google for a start)
Enhance API by providing a timer-specific API.
It shouldn't be directly interfacting The timelogs
Move GCC to Eurozone to lower latency to ~ 50 ms
Browser plugin
Set up different databases for different environments
Version the repo
Think about Canary Releases
DataLake and backup?
Add console client written in bash or GoLang
Desktop app like Upwork timer (for macos)
MobileApp (sheetu)
MongoDB hosted in the cloud. We can add it to compose later to make it more convenient to users
To install dependencies, use make ops
to start a shell with pipenv files in sync.
After that, run the pipenv commands you need. for example, pipenv install pytest --dev
This app uses GCP for deployment. Git push does everything automatically.
- Google build run the CI automatically.
- If all is well, an image is built
- Google Run is redeployed using the new image