I’m a versatile designer, writer, and developer with a deep interest in art, data and programming. With over 15 years of experience in the cultural sector, I’ve worked in various capacities including project management, design, research, curating, writing, editing, communications, and more recently, frontend web development, with a focus on UI/UX engineering. I completed a 6-month Frontend Development bootcamp in 2023, and have since been working on a range of freelance and independent web development projects. In 2020, with Modiko and Nthabiseng Mokoena, I co-founded INCCA (Independent Network for Contemporary Culture & Art), a non-profit company that aims to foster independent cultural practice. I continue to work on INCCA projects and offer design, content, digital communication and project management for the platform on an ongoing basis.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on deepening my skills in Product Design, 2D motion design as well as React and exploring libraries such as D3.js and p5.js.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning and growing in the field of software development, working on freelance and independent projects.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on web development projects that can utlise my crossover skills in design, UI/UX and frontend development.
- 🧐 I'm interested in data visualisation and creative coding.
- 💬 Ask me about art, data visualisation, and project management in the cultural sector.
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
- Adobe Creative Cloud: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere Pro (advanced)
- UI/UX & product design: Figma, Adobe XD (intermediate)
- 2D motion design: Adobe Animate, Adobe After Effects (intermediate)
- 3D modeling: SketchUp, Adobe Dimension (intermediate)
- Frontend Development: React.js, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Git, GitHub, various JS libraries (D3.js and p5.js) (junior)
- Website builders: Wordpress, Cargo, Wix, Shopify (advanced)
Here are some projects I've worked on:
- tiny letters for mothers - Tiny letters for mothers is a non-commercial and interactive data visualisation platform based on stories of early motherhood, collaboratively conceptualised with creative research scholar Dr Dee Marco. I designed and developed the platform myself, using Adobe XD, React and the data visualisation library D3.js.
- Something Good Studio - In 2024 I worked extensively with Something Good Studio to redesign and reconceptualise their brand and e-commerce websites. This resulted in a merger with their sister brand Romaria and I worked with them on a refresh of their Shopify site that brings the two brands together.
- Feed Baby Bowie! - As part of the bootcamp I did in 2023, we started with the basics, creating games and animations in Scratch. I created a game inspired by my son Ziggy, and his namesake Ziggy Stardust.
- My digital resume - Learn more about me via my digital resume, built with basic HTML, CSS and JavaScript
- Pod is in the Details - Also forming part of my 2023 coding bootcamp, we built our own podcast sites using React and loading data from an API. Much room for improvement wrt responsiveness, code structure and debugging here, but it was a great introduction to React and has motivated me to learn more.
Feel free to explore my repositories and reach out if you'd like to collaborate or have any questions!