QuantusSoftware provides a quick and user-friendly way to interact with QuantusSeries hardware. It is accomplished by providing a RESTful interface available on the hardware. The RESTful interface uses HTTP and JSON requests.
This repository contains the documentation for QuantusSoftware. Clone it to your PC for assistance with integration efforts. From the releases tab you can download the QuantusSoftware release image as well as the developer tools.
A utility that can be invoked from your application or the command line which will scan for QuantusSeries devices. The application’s output is a JSON string containing a list of QuantusSeries devices on the network
A simple command-line utility that will upgrade the given device. It can easily be incorporated into the software package being used with the QuantusSeries device.
QDataManager is a Graphical User Interface to Import, Manage, View and Export your Local Storage measurements.
Examples and libraries also exist to assist developers with their integration efforts. Explore these repositories on the Mecalc GitHub page.
The latest User Manual is available here