Releases: lat9/ZCA-Bootstrap-Template
v3.7.4: Bugfixes and zc210 interoperation
This release contains changes associated with these GitHub issues:
#268: Correct image resizing on column-based products' listings.
#438: "Retire" use of banners_on_ssl
field, per zc210 usage.
#439: Update "Matching Heights" jQuery to its most recent version.
#442: Correct quantity-entry "shrink" on column-based products' listings.
#444: Add zc210 notifications to html_header.php
and tpl_main_page.php
#446: "Hide" the ZCA Bootstrap Colors configuration group.
#447: Correct best-sellers' sidebox display (was missing the last item).
#448: Add notifications to tpl_account_history_info.php
, primarily for Ty Package Tracker.
#450: Add notification to tpl_footer.php
to enable a footer-menu to be included.
#452: Add a 'soft' setting to enable the inclusion of Font Awesome Brands' icons, e.g. Twitter or Facebook.
v3.7.3: Bugfixes and zc210 interoperation
This release contains changes associated with these GitHub issues:
#316: Don't display back-to-top on small/medium devices.
#386: Use the $template
class to locate site_specific_styles.php
#411: Add the zc210 notifier to the account_history_info
page's template.
#417: Submitted keywords to AJAX search must be a 'string'.
#419: Display shipping module's error messages in the shipping-estimator.
#421: "Align" with zc210's implementation for the order_status
page's template.
#422: Split CSS/JS loading into separate modules; was in common/html_header.php
#426: ezpages::page_is_ssl
removed in zc210; default always to 'SSL'.
#428: Recognize zc210's mobile-menu settings for EZ-Pages.
#429: Add support for zc210's "Featured Categories" feature.
#432: Correct layout inconsistency between "Notification" and "Manufacturers Info" centerboxes.
#434: Correct background-color bleed-through on various card
#435: Centerbox Background Color applied to containing cards, not the wrapper.
v3.7.2: Bugfixes
This release contains changes associated with the following GitHub issues:
#401: AJAX search's product count can be 'off' (again); variant-managed products might again 'explode' the count!
#404: Correct HTML id parameter in shipping-estimator modal.
#405: Use language-constant for modal shipping-estimator instead of hard-coded English.
#407: Reformat shipping-estimator layout to use 2-column display on medium and above viewports.
#409: Correct AJAX search not including keywords in a product's description; note, new configuration setting added!.
#410: Correct accessibility issue with shopping_cart page's template.
#413: Remove pre-zc158 processing from AJAX search class.
#414: Restore product-pricing display when the site's running on PHP 7.4.
v3.7.1: Bugfixes
This release corrects the following GitHub issues:
#388: Correct PHP Warning on checkout_payment
#389: Remove extraneous comments from template_info.php
#390: Support forthcoming zc210's additional-images' handling.
#392: Correct gv_faq
page's form-entry default.
#394: Correct variable name for shipping-estimator display.
#397: Add styling to display non-Bootstrap-formatted checkbox inputs on checkout pages.
#393: Correct title of base image's additional-images' carousel-indicator.
#399: Pull in base ZC change for tpl_account_default.php
#400: AJAX search's product count can be 'off' for variant-managed model-numbers.
v3.7.0: Dropping zc157, adding carousels and bugfixes
This major release contains changes associated with the following GitHub issues:
#160: Refactor/sync layout of the various product_xx_info templates
#285: Price displays twice when a product includes attributes.
#291: Include a home-page slider
#292: Checkout Shipping shows "Continue" to Step 2 Payment, when not available/no shipping allowed
#308: Correct 'misuse' of <main>
#358: Update to use FA-6, allow preloading to be disabled.
#359: Correct product-listing/category-row display for 'columns' display
#360: Enable the exclusion of no-product categories from the categories' sidebox and upper navigation.
#362: Drop support for Zen Cart versions prior to 1.5.8.
#363: Correct MySQL/ANSI-mode issues.
#365: Incorporate zc158 changes to the attributes' display.
#367: Correct the SQL uninstall script for the Bootstrap Colors configuration.
#369: Enable different container types for header/main-content/footer.
#370: <meta charset
must precede preload
links; HTML validation issue.
#371: zca_rating_stars
always outputs 5 stars.
#372: Enable a carousel display on various sideboxes.
#375: Enable carousel display on new, featured and specials centerboxes, they can either 'fade' or 'slide'.
#377: Add jquery.matchHeight{.min}.js
to address jiggly bits on sidebox/centerbox carousels.
#380: Correct checkout_confirm coloring (was using those for checkout_continue).
#384: Include zc201 notifications for sideboxes ('information', 'more_information', 'ezpages').
#385: Move header-messages to below logo; they were being overlaid by the fixed-top navigation.
v3.6.5: Bugfixes
This release contains changes associated with the following GitHub issues:
#342: Preserve listing filters in listings' display-order form.
#344: Correct "Missing constant" logs for zc158 on the products_all
#343: Add display-order selection for products' and specials' listings (zc200 or later, only).
#349: Use zen_get_products_name
to display products' names in listings.
#345: Correct products' table formatting on the AJAX checkout_payment
#352: Change products items title from heading to paragraph for accessibility.
#353: Enable the zca_splitPageResults
class to be overridden.
#355: Provide title
HTML attributes on header-navigation links.
#356: Always display the "Home" link in the header; ensure header-messages are displayed even if the header is disabled.
v3.6.4: Bugfixes and zc200 interoperation
This release contains changes required for interoperability with Zen Cart v2.0.0 and bugfixes.
For a full list of all changes, see this link:
v3.6.3: Bugfixes and zc200 interoperation
This release contains changes associated with the following GitHub issues:
#302: Correct template's template_info.php
to report the current version.
#303: Update to support zc200's "Wholesale Pricing".
#304: Two trashcan icons were being displayed on the shopping_cart
page when viewing on a 'small' screen.
#305: Enabling a fluid display on category listings.
#306: Updates to SNAF pages' header_php*.php
files in support of zc200.
#307: Correct PHP Warnings on products' listing display order if no matching product is found.
#310: Correct display on Chrome browser's device-toolbar (used to test various devices' display).
#311: Use page-specific maximums for SNAF listings' display.
#312: Correct PHP Warning on index listing when no sort is selected.
#313: Add alpha-filter to products_all
page, if enabled.
#314: Upgrade from very old version winds up missing configuration settings.
v3.6.2: Bugfixes and zc200 interoperability
This release contains changes associated with the following GitHub issues:
#274: Changed rating stars' default color/background-color.
#290: New notifications (from zc200) for the account_history_info
page's template.
#296: UI improvements to the admin's ZCA Bootstrap Colors tool; default color now included in exported .csv
#297: product_reviews_write
page's template, variable name changed for zc200.
#298: Remove unwanted HTML tags from zca_bootstrap
log for breadcrumbs' separator.
#299: id=
attribute wasn't being added to the "Submit" button on the checkout_one_confirmation
v3.6.1: Bugfixes including jQuery update to 3.7.1
This release contains changes associated with the following GitHub issues:
#271: Correct accessibility issue when <h1>
text is an empty string.
#276: Correct misspelled CSS property name: cursor, not curser.
#278: Add titles for accessibility on Navigation Previous/Next buttons.
#279: "Fit" content on shipping-estimator form fields so that they're not 100% wide.
#280: Add spaces between text values on shopping-cart display page.
#281: Ensure that the quantity-update icon is an FA icon, regardless of the Update button's title's character length.
#284: Refactor shopping-cart page layout, especially for small screens.
#286: Correct shopping-cart delete icon/checkbox formatting when a product has a fixed-quantity display.
#288: Update jQuery to 3.7.1.
#289: Correct header/logo area layout.