a rad repo to jump start your k8s environment, the goal of this project is to provide a simple way to get a k8s cluster up and running with everything needed to get started. It is opinionated and will be based on the following assumptions:
- code repos on github
- helm is used for deploying your services
- install helm
- install argocd cli
- install vault cli
Make sure a cluster (GCP, DO, AWS, Kind, Docker desktop) is running and that it is accessible with kubectl
- fork https://github.com/lateflip-io/rad-k8s name to whatever you like and make it private
- clone the repo locally or a running VM
- run ./bootstrap.sh
- kubectl port-forward vault-0 8200 &
- run:
vault kv put secret/credentials/github GITHUB_USER=base64-username
- run:
vault kv put secret/credentials/github GITHUB_PASS=base64-password
- run:
vault kv put secret/demosecret/aws GITHUB_REPO=base64-url
- run:
kubectl apply -f control-plane/infrastructure/secrets/github-credential-template.yaml
- kubectl port-forward service/argocd-server -n argocd 8080:443
- http://localhost:8080
- get
credentials: kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d - login to argocd with
and the password
- gitops first
- argocd for syncing
- crossplane for provisioning
- generic helm charts for backend service deployments
- argo workflows
- apisix for api gateway
- keda for autoscaling and serverless
- vault secrets management vswh