Question 1 : WAP to print 1-7 but in case of 5 and 3, You need to print "I am 5" and "I am 3".
Question 2: WAP to take your name from cmd and count the consonents and vowels in it.
Question 3 : WAP to find largest of 2 given number and then compare the sum of them with another given number and print the smallest.
Question 4 : WAP to print 20 to 4 using a while loop.
Question 5 : WAP to print sum of even numbers from 1 to 20.
Question 6 : WAP to develop a static method which will make a user login by implementing... a> The user name must be either Ankan or Souparna b> the password must be Madhu or Trisha Implement above by switch-case only .
Question 7 : WAP to implement a switch case in java that will take 3 strings and if their length is > 3 , then it should greet the user. Remember to calculate the length of strings in another static method.
Question 8 : WAP to print 1-10 using for loop , while loop and do-while loop in 3 different static methods. Call them from main and run.
Question 9 : Write a static method to find factorial of a number and call from main.
Question 10 : Write a static method to find if a number is prime or not and then check whether its an odd number. Call from main.