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Web-shop for online Medicine shopping


  • Customers can list and view products

  • Customers can register account

  • Only registered customers can order

  • Admin can login to do the following works in a different interface:

    • Add products
    • Views orders
  • Database store

    • Products information
    • Customer information
    • Orders information
    • Administrator information


  • Node.js with the following modules
    • body-parser: ~1.13.2
    • cookie-parser: ~1.3.5
    • debug: ~2.2.0
    • express: ~4.13.1
    • jade: ~1.11.0
    • morgan: ~1.6.1
    • serve-favicon: ~2.3.0
    • mysql: ~2.9.0
    • passport: ~0.3.2
    • slugify: ~0.1.1


  • Clone project: git clone
  • Install dependencies in package.json: npm install


  • Run the pharmeasy.sql to create the database and make sure sql server is running.
  • Execute node bin/www.js from project directory
  • Then open localhost:3000 Screenshot of the website