This is sample repository containing a basic JAX-RS web application.
Clone this repository
This project uses Maven as build tool, Java 8 (1.8) and Maven 3 (newer version)
mvn clean package
Run the application using Maven Cargo on wildfly
mvn cargo:run
which will start the wildfly application server, listening on port 7001 and debug port is available at port 5000. The context root of the application will be
- Add a REST resource at path /pets
- GET operation for /pets/{id} which consumes "application/json" and produces "application/json"
- PUT operation for /pets/{id} which consumes "application/json" and produces "application/json"
The project includes a very simple PetRepository that may be injected into the resource exposure class. This repository will just keep instances in a non-persistent Map
Using e.g. POSTMAN I should be able to:
PUT http://localhost:7001/petstore/pets/mydog
"name": "My Pet",
"type": "DOG"
GET http://localhost:7001/petstore/pets/mydog should return
"id": "mydog",
"name": "King",
"type": "DOG"
Either ZIP (remember to do a "mvn clean" before) the solution and send it to me (LAJE) OR upload sources to a git repository of your choice and send me a link