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Releases: lcsrodriguez/CuttingEdge-Milliman

Release 4 - Complete analysis (Graded version)

15 May 21:54
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  • Adding full statistical analysis
  • Adding final documents
  • Correcting minor typos/errors

Documentation available here

Release 3 - Heston + Parallel MC pricers

31 Mar 09:35
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  • Implementation & test of:
    • Heston model (Euler scheme) (Milstein to be studied before final release)
      • Test on multiple trajectories
    • Util functions for pricing
      • Evolution of the MC convergnece when $N_{MC} \uparrow + \infty$ (plot)
      • Computation of several confidence intervals (CI) for different Z-scores (see Z_SCORES in Constants: 80, 85, 90, 95, 99, 99.5, 99.9)
      • Spatial distribution of the CI with respect to the MC price
  • Introduced parallelism mode for Monte-Carlo pricers
    • Using concurrent.futures, joblib and multiprocessing libraries
    • Benchmark with IO-bound speed-up strategy using multithreading from the threading library
    • Test & Benchmark on heavy CPU workload (from 1 to 8 CPU cores)
    • Monitoring using top, htop and vtop
  • Major re-organization of the GitHub repository
    • Split of the main notebook into four different ones each corresponding to one study unit
    • Setting up dependabot and CI/CD automation tools

Documentation available here

Release 2 - EUR./ASIA. pricers + BS + generic IR

07 Mar 09:43
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  • Full implementation of:
    • European pricer & Asian pricer with respective classes EuropeanPricer and AsianPricer using Monte-Carlo simulations
    • Automatic documentation generator (MkDocs)
    • Attempt to add multi-processing/multi-threading (to be continued)

Documentation available here

Release 1 - BS + generic IR

28 Feb 21:20
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  • Full implementation of:
    • Interest-rates model: Vasicek, Cox-Ingersoll-Ross
    • Equity-index model: Black-Scholes (with stochastic interest rates)
    • Attempts for Hull-White & Black-Karasinski (with calibration by QuantLib)
  • Automatic documentation generation (MkDocs)
  • Implementation of utils functions
  • Adoption of full OOP architecture
  • Plotting and external handlers for further analysis purposes

Documentation available here