From Wikipedia:
Henshin (変身 henshin) is the Japanese word for "transformation," literally meaning, "to change or transform the body."
Henshin is a parse transform using some forgotten syntax rules of Erlang to implement compile-time function calls, rules:
rule -> rule_clauses : build_rule('$1').
rule_clauses -> rule_clause : ['$1'].
rule_clauses -> rule_clause ';' rule_clauses : ['$1'|'$3'].
rule_clause -> atom clause_args clause_guard rule_body :
{clause,?line('$1'),element(3, '$1'),'$2','$3','$4'}.
rule_body -> ':-' lc_exprs: '$2'.
These rules used to be used by Mnemosyne, the ancestor of QLC; you can find some references to it in erl_lint:
format_error({mnemosyne, What}) ->
"mnemosyne " ++ What ++ ", missing transformation".
Henshin transforms every rule to an equivalent exported function,
rejecting any binary generator and replacing any list generator with a match
and a call to erl_syntax:concrete/1
. It also exports a new function
which returns the list of rules defined by the module.
Let example
be the following module:
-compile({parse_transform, henshin_module}).
add(XAST, YAST) :-
X <- XAST,
Y <- YAST,
erl_syntax:abstract(X + Y).
This hypothetical module would be transformed to:
-export([henshin_rules/0, add/2]).
henshin_rules() ->
[{add, 2}].
add(XAST, YAST) ->
X = erl_syntax:concrete(XAST),
Y = erl_syntax:concrete(YAST),
erl_syntax:abstract(X + Y).
- Write better documentation.
- Actually call the transformation rules used in modules thrown at henshin.