cpu:i5 8265u gpu:intel and nvidia mx150(Please use the nvidia-dkms and linux-lts, just a suggestion.)
You can download these from the website suckless.org, using wget
- dwm-alpha-20201019-61bb8b2.diff(透明)
- dwm-uselessgap-20211119-58414bee958f2.diff
- st-alpha-0.8.2.diff(used in st)
git clone [email protected]:leejkee/dwm_matebook13.git
make && sudo make clean install
- Run dwm:you should create the ~/.xinitrc, and
echo "exec dwm" > .xinitrc
. autostart.sh
: runs /home/ljk/scripts/autostart.sh whenstartx
- modify the funtion runAutoastart() in dwm.c to customize your path of
You can visit the pages for scripts.
- win+F4 mute/unmute
- win+F6 turn up the volume
- win+F5 turn down the volume
- win+F1 turn down light
- win+F2 turn up light
- win+F11 prtscreen(you should run
sudo pacman -S gnome-screen
sudo pacman -S <these packages of fonts>
- noto-fonts-cjk
- wqy-microhei(for the Chinese fonts)
- adobe-source-code-pro-fonts(for the st, a simple terminal)
- ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols
- ttf-jetbrains-mono(for my demenu and my dwm_bar)